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Greenpeace to Ditch Greta

Reports are circulating that Greenpeace may soon ditch their poster child for climate change, Greta Thunberg. The Swedish activist was pushed to fame as a child and became notorious for passionate speeches that she was likely forced to read and believe. Klaus Schwab even featured the young girl in his film, “The Forum,” to promote […]

Market Talk – August 29, 2022

ASIA: Profits at China’s industrial firms sank in July, reversing previous gains as fresh COVID-19 curbs dragged down demand and squeezed factory margins, while power shortages due to heatwaves threatened production. Profits at China’s industrial firms fell 1.1% in January-July from a year earlier, wiping out the 1.0% growth logged during the first six months, […]

Ukrainians Forbidden From Accepting Russian Aid

Ukrainians are not permitted to accept any humanitarian relief from Russian agencies. Civilians in a war zone could face life imprisonment for accepting relief, including food. Ministry of Internal Affairs Alyona Matveeva said each case would be analyzed separately. “For example, if a person called to support the military of the Russian Federation or provided […]

Market Talk – August 26, 2022

ASIA: India’s cabinet on Thursday approved a policy to restrict wheat flour exports to calm prices in the local market, the government said in a statement. India banned wheat exports in mid-May as a scorching heatwave curtailed output and domestic prices hit a record high. In July India asked traders to secure permission before exporting […]

Market Talk – August 25, 2022

ASIA: In its monthly economic report, the Japanese government described its economy as “growing modestly,” leaving the overall rating unchanged from the previous month, while noting an upward revision of factory output. Factory output showed signs of recovery, the report said, compared to July, when output appeared to be flat. This marked the first upgrade […]

The World According to Schwab?

QUESTION:  Dear Mr. Armstrong, First, thank you for all the wonderful work you do. I have been following your blog for many years and am always amazed at your insight and historical knowledge. I had a question regarding your assertion that the WEF/ Globalists will not win. I am assuming you mean that their vision […]

Market Talk – August 24, 2022

ASIA: Foreigners are returning to Indian stocks after dismissing them in the first half as they seek higher yields amid expectations that major central banks will slow their growth cycles as price pressures ease. Foreigners have invested $6.4 billion in Indian stocks since the start of July, after spending more than $27 billion in the […]

Market Talk – August 23, 2022

ASIA: Growth in Japanese factory activity slowed to a 19-month low in August as declines in output and new orders deepened, amid mounting pressure from sustained rises in raw material and energy prices and weakening global demand. Activity in the services sector fell for the first time in five months as a drop in new […]

The Coming Civil War

COMMENT: There has been and is increasing talk in all media of a coming ‘civil war’. Your article ‘Bidenomics & Vilification of Trump’ well explains the intentional polarization of the public and clearly states this will only end very badly. The CW of 1861 Blue vs Grey, North vs South was a war of geography […]

Lockdowns 20X Deadlier Than COVID

The International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health published a study that found the lockdowns were deadly. In fact, the lockdowns were 20 times more deadly than COVID. The lockdowns were a mass human experiment. There was no evidence that indicated this method would be effective. We saw the impact that the lockdowns had […]