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June Home Sales Drop in Line with ECM

I noted that real estate in the United States would turn into a buyer’s market in May 2024 going into August 2028 in a reversal from the buyer’s market we’ve experienced since 2020. The 2007 high on the Shiller Index was the precise day of the Economic Confidence Model. So far, all the indicators have […]

Secret Service Complete Failure?

QUESTION: Marty: You have been warning that Trump might be assassinated because these people are unwilling to yield power. Your gut feeling is far better than anyone I know. Your opinion is always valuable, not just Socrates. Keep it up. Jeff COMMENT: Marty, you posted on the private blog on Feb 14, 2024; “The Neocons […]

Household Debt in Canada Exceeds 100% of GDP

World leaders spend recklessly with no regard for the overall economy. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has fallen out of favor for one primary reason – the cost of living is too high. Canada is deeply indebted, and now ranks the third-highest nation in household debt in the world. Switzerland and Australia are the only […]

The British & EU Elections – A Prelude to US?

COMMENT: Marty, I am really impressed how Socrates even had a Double Directional Change in the British pound for election day. What it shows for the US elections seems to be a critical turning point. This is the most interesting system ever created. All the best JK REPLY: There is no question that the sweeping […]

Neocons Still Trying to Create WWIII Before the Election

  As long as the West continues to allow the Neocons to control this war, then there will be no stopping World War III. These people have spent their entire lives hating Russians for particularly personal reasons. These Neocons have waged endless wars since Vietnam. They had lied to the American public to justify their […]

Political Forecasts – Macron in Trouble

Our computer’s political forecasts do not rely on polls. What is most interesting is that when you correlate the economy with politics, you get to see the major swings coming like never before. As I have said, our model has been showing that the 2024 election in the USA should be won by Trump. The […]

Warner Brothers & CNN Disaster

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Socrates has been so bearish on CNN’s owner, Warner Brothers, and the dabate is so rigged that other networks are even up in arms over CNN’s rules. We sold down all our institutional holdings in Warner Brothers, thanks to Socrates. Do you think this stock will collapse due to this debate that […]

Judge Merchan’s UNAMERICAN jury instruction Rejected Everything

QUESTION: Looking at the United States from Europe, what has been done to Trump seems political. Do you think Trump will be vindicated by the Supreme Court? SK ANSWER: I have often stated that New York City is a cesspool of corruption. The conviction of Trump and even the gag order imposed by this outrageous […]

Real Estate vs Supply & Demand

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, My question on real estate is that we are in a period where demand has outpaced supply. Has the migrant crisis and climate change collided to create a perfect storm in real estate? Thank you FH REPLY: The only good news for real estate is that smart money is starting to look […]

Venice – The Longest Republic but it hard its Dark Side

COMMENT: Marty, Hope you’re doing well. I just returned from a trip to Venice, Italy, and a local tour guide informed me of the following about the Venetian Republic, some of which is similar and some of which is slightly different than what you’ve mentioned in the past: 1.  it was the longest-lasting republic in […]