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Even in Canada They Give Up Your Info

Even in Canada, Telus is starting to resist abuse by government requesting text messages etc. They have revealed that most request are to track where someone is. Police use cell phones to find people they want these days. The access to everything about us is becoming excessive. When they can collect all text messages and […]

Adam Smith Wins – Apple Fights Back

The free markets are everything. That is the very mechanism that drives the entire world economy – Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand. Many people have tried to control society, corner markets like Jim Fisk, or fix prices and create draconian laws. Nothing but nothing can stop the Invisible Hand for it even took down Communism and […]

Manipulation – Here we go Again

QUESTION: Mr Armstrong, How can you say the metals are not manipulated? It is you and your people who keep shorting gold to prevent a rally. ANSWER: The people who say that is what I say are those manipulating you. They are biased and will go down with the ship because they are married to […]

Scotland Sells out to the Dole

In America, the support for Scottish Independence was overwhelming running 80%+ Scottish Flags were appearing everywhere – even in Philadelphia they hung one-off the bridge. But in Scotland where people rely upon handouts from Britain (dole), self-interest prevailed. With all 32 council areas in Scotland now declared, the No (unionist) secured 55% of the vote with […]

Schiavoni & Cohen (of Goldman Sachs) Demands Source Code of Model

    Alan Cohen and Tancred Schiavoni refused to allow Princeton Economics to continue even when there were people willing to pay all expenses to keep it going. They could not say it was insolvent for there were far more assets than what was claimed to have even been owed that Republic National Bank and […]

Scotland Votes NO

William Wallace Well it is not looking good at all for the independent camp. William Wallace would be ashamed to say the least. This of course will doom Scotland along with Europe and we will see civil unrest there when the economy turns down and the YES will blame the NO camp. So far only […]

Scotland Really Up in the Air

A lot of elderly who one would expect to vote NO have shown up at the polls. This is the highest turnout perhaps of any election anywhere. Curious, there are no exist polls but a lot of elderly are exiting saying they just couldn’t do it. This may be a coin toss. A reader sent […]


QUESTION: Martin, I am wondering if today we get a great shock in my homeland. Throughout the last couple months of this campaign, the UK government has conducted a fear and smear campaign to sway the democratic process. Media such as the The Telegraph and Bbc have been guilty of clear bias. I was reminded […]

Gold Report

  OK – we have received so many emails request an electronic PDF version. We will post tomorrow the gold section which is about 200 pages by itself. We will post the silver next week with Platinum, Palladium, and Copper. Because of worldwide demand for this report, we have issued it in terms of all […]

The Scare Tactics Against Scotland

In response many questions coming in from Scotland about the negative campaign against Independence, let’s make a few things clear. The predictions that the stock market will crash if the currency declines is nonsense. The stock market rises when a currency declines and declines when a currency becomes excessively overvalued as during the Great Depression. […]