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Edinburgh 1997 Seminar Transcript

  A client sent in a transcript of our April 29, 1997 presentation there in Edinburgh. This is interesting for it is discussing the formation of the Euro that was going on. It was at our London 1997 World Economic Conference that the European Commission attended.

Edinburgh Seminar April 29, 1997 Transcript

  Princeton Economics International, Ltd. Edinburgh Transcript April 29, 1997     I would like to begin today with a brief overview as to how we at Princeton look at markets. For those of you who attended last year’s conference I will try to be as brief as possible.   Effectively, our models are based […]

Healthcare Peak

QUESTION: In light of this predicament, as evidenced by your unequivocal statement regarding healthcare, will hospitals still exist, or will employees of the industry just blow away when this crisis peaks? Or will healthcare fields become below-standard-income careers in the future? Any insight would be greatly appreciated. As always, I thank you for taking the time to enlighten us […]

Florida Raising Property Taxes

COMMENT: Hi Martin, Our local city has just voted unanimously to raise the property tax rate 17.7%. They’re not alone, as many local municipalities in Florida have raised rates. 37 of 39 cities in a four county area have raised rates at least once since the 2007 downturn, according to newspaper reports, one has gone […]

US Number & Unemployment

FOR THE RECORD – the 7% number for unemployment is the official number – it is by no means REAL. The real number is in the area of 12% now and will rise to test the 25% level. Here is our old forecast from 2009. It was emphasized then that the rise in unemployment will […]

We could use the Queen’s Veto in USA

COMMENT: Since we only have a representative democracy, (unlike some) I find it very healthy that the sovereign is consulted on all major acts of parliament. What isn’t well-known (although it’s published as such) – is that income tax is only  a temporary law, and as such has to be restated every year and presented to […]

Can the Queen of England Veto Laws in UK?

The answer to questions coming in about the power of the Queen to nullify laws passed by Parliament is YES – she has that power. It has been used to veto war and the Guardian had revealed the extent of that power most people had no idea existed back in 2013. This has been known behind […]

China Prepares for War with Japan

While the eyes of the world are on the Middle East and Ukraine, China’s rumblings against Japan are real. China is in fact under preparations for war. “The outbreak of a world war is not impossible,” said Professor Han Xudong of the National Defense University of the People’s Liberation Army on Tuesday in a commentary he […]

Crude Oil Collapses – Plot Against Russia or Economics?

The global demand for oil is declining as the United States moves toward self-sufficiency and is the only nation still in a positive economic trend. Everywhere else we see the global economy turning down since 2007 including China and Russia no less Europe. But the level of pessimism in the USA does not imply a […]

Polls Are Showing Pessimism at Record Highs

Polls even in the United States are showing that Americans have not only record high pessimism about the future, the majority now believes their children will have it worse than they did. Despite the stock market is surging to record highs, retail participation is at historic lows. The American economy is growing at its fastest rate […]