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New Zealand – Update

Hi Martin Thanks for all your good work! You may be interested in what’s happening here in New Zealand. On Saturday there will be an election. One of the new players is the Internet Mana party, funded by Kim Dotcom who is facing extradition to the US. The party has just hosted a presentation at […]

Scotland – Real Close Call

The BBC is reporting that the top three British leaders have signed a pledge that if Scotland stays, they will grant more power to Scotland. The pledge, which appeared on the front of the Daily Record newspaper, signed by David Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg, demonstrates that this is a very close call. This illustrates […]

Conversation Between Downs & Armstrong Sept 15th, 2014

  Here is a two-part conversation between Glen Downs on Capitol Hill and Martin Armstrong covering the political atmosphere in conjunction with the unfolding of the economic trend. Part 1 Part 2

China + Russia v USA + Europe

China has aligned itself with Russia as often an ally in the international arena. China has made it known that it stands ready to use the right of “veto” any decision of the UN Security Council on the situation in Ukraine directed against Russia. To a large extent, our sources have been highlighting the outrage […]

The Turning POINT – Week of 09/15/2014

  This week of the Scottish Vote has been targeted by our computer as a turning point. If we see a “YES” vote, this will set in motion various separatist movements throughout Europe. Keep in mind that this will be important for setting the overall confidence level within Europe. We could even see gold start […]

Scotland – The Possible Turning Point

A number of questions have been coming in about Scotland. Yes, it has the capacity to become the real Switzerland of Europe where capital would be attracted if they are out of the UK and the EU. Why? The EU is looking to more than just tax financial transactions, they are looking to even outlaw […]

The Five Eyes Arrangement

The Five Eyes Arrangement has been established between all the English Anglo-Saxon nations – the US, the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Revelations about how these five nations have become paranoid spying on everything every citizen does is rather well know behind the curtain. They have all adopted the same tactics as former East […]

Alexander the Great’s Tomb Discovered?

A massive round structure of Greek origin from the Hellenist period is holding scholars in great suspense. National Geographic has reported the finding os possibly the tomb of Alexander the Great. The site of ancient Amphipolis is about a hundred miles east of Thessalonica, on territory conquered by Alexander’s father Philip in the 4th century […]

California Drought – Maybe a Real Crisis in the Making

QUESTION: Marty, I remember you had forecast that we would go into another major drought in the West after 2000. I think that was in a special report on agriculture. Your forecast seems to be spot on there as well. Do you have any updates? Thanks A California reader for life. BK ANSWER: Yes, that […]

World Economic Conference 2014 $950 NOW Available

  The full World Economics Conference DVD set for the 2 days is now available for immediate shipping.