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FATCA & How It is Destroying International Commerce

One reader writes from Belgium: I’m a Belgian but worked  in the USA during  1987-1990 on an  expat assignment . My daughter was born in the USA and therefore has dual nationality ( USA  and  Belgian Citizenship). She is now 26 years old.  Her bank called a few weeks ago and told her  that they wanted to close her bank account […]

International Precious Metals Report

  A lot of people have asked WHEN? Because this report is very extensive covering gold and silver in each currency with the appropriate arrays, trading models, and reversals, its size is far bigger than what we have normally published electronically in PDFs. This is nearly 400 pages so we have decided that we will […]

Scottish Independence v India Independence – Same Debate

Whenever there is a movement for independence, the classic argument has been that they would fall flat on their face. Yet, in this case, many British believe that Scotland has a lot of socialists who live off the state and therefore Scotland costs Britain money. Support for Scottish Independence may even be higher inside Britain […]

Spain is Militarizing Against Citizens – The Coming Civil War?

The Spanish government is militarizing gearing up for violent protests against the EU that are expected to turn up before a hot autumn. Spain is now equipping the police for about one billion euros with new combat equipment. Violent protests in Spain since the crisis began almost a daily occurrence. Movements such as 25 de Mayo […]

Putin – War – & Return of Mercenaries – the Masquerade

Many people have written asking about Putin. The pundits are claiming the Russian Army is weak and could not wage war. Russia is actually looking at expanding its military policy re-targeting Europe and the USA as enemies, and rewriting protocols for justification of a defensive first strike with nuclear weapons. The greatest mistake that the West […]

Scottish Chaos? Should I Stay or Should I go?

It is very interesting to see the numerous emails pouring in from Scotland and England. Even in Scotland there is a strong left-wing socialist factor that has their hand out to whom Cameron is trying to persuade to stay in the UK and they will be rewarded. For the benefit of both England and Scotland, […]

Scotland – A Brave Heart Moment – FREEDOM

  QUESTION: Mr Armstrong, Firstly may I congratulate you on what looks like another spot on forecast regarding the Scottish independence. I am Scottish and can testify that there is a real wind of change here. The independence campaign started at grass roots level and they have been going round communities for over a year now […]

Japan GDP Collapses 7.1% After Tax Increase – OOPS!

Often I get nasty emails from socialists who just want to raise taxes on the rich to punish them for having more than they do. Sorry, an honest correlation between economic growth and taxes demonstrates the higher the tax rate, the lower the economic growth. Japan’s economy provided a stark confirmation of this correlation as […]

Scottish Vote Scares London

We have been warning that the Scottish separation was something to take seriously since the Berlin Conference in 2012. Now suddenly the polls are showing Scotland just may vote YES and leave the UK because of the rising chaos in the EU and the totally insane policies in France. The British financial markets tumbled on […]

Low to Negative Interest Rates Force Investment in Private Assets – the Cycle Inversion

Perhaps the most perplexing aspect of the current equity trend that is not well understood has been the development of private investment by governments. Strangely enough, the development of the euro has totally disrupted the world monetary system for this has created a period of dramatic capital concentration in US dollar debt as the real […]