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Investors Now Paying Germany Premiums to Hold their Cash

Anyone who questions when I began warning that interest rates would go negative, well that day has arrived. Investors are now paying Germany to park their money. At the first auction of six-month German Treasury bills after the recent ECB rate cut, investors had to make do with a negative yield of 0.0934 percent on […]

Modern Version of Counterfeiting Currency During Time of War

The justification for war has been escalated where NATO now considers it legitimate to respond to a large-scale cyber attack on a Member State with military force. This position has been the decision of the 28 Heads of State and Government at the NATO meeting regarding its new proclaimed jurisdiction with respect to cyberspace. The […]

Understanding the 3 Faces of Nationalism

Nationalism is not unique to any country, yet it is a very important aspect to analyze in the field of political-economy. There are different types of nationalism and these types do not always fit together comfortably. The first type of nationalism emerges from expanding a nation in what I call the Conquest-Model like the growth of Rome. This […]

Russia Demands Ukrainian Troops Withdraw – US Sends in Troops

US Troops have headed into Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Eastern Europe is moving into a real crisis as many countries including Poland fear Russia. Belarus and Moldavia are effectively Russian states. Russia really want Ukraine and to take Kiev. That is a historical heritage to Russian  and if Ukraine falls, they have the largest population […]

Are Markets Manipulated All the Time?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Some people say you will not admit markets are manipulated all the time. Yet you stood up and had all the evidence that would have damned the whole lot of the New York bankers for manipulating markets. This is very confusing how you can be against them in public yet people claim […]

WEC 2014

Yes the 2014 WEC DVDs are shipping out now.

Government Punishes Savers to Support Debtors – Has Western Society become Fascist?

The entire problem we face going ahead stems from the very idea of Karl Marx that government is capable of managing the economy either through communism or autocratic-socialism where the state dictates to the economy under the pretense of caring for the people, that has truly become a derivative of fascism where the state comes […]

Ecuador will be the First Country to Start Digital Currency

Ecuador has announced it will begin to circulate electronic currency created by its central bank in December. This is the way of the future. They often take a country like this for the test case. Ecuador will begin the process and we will see it swing to the USA and Europe during the decline in […]

Eurobonds – the Coming Federalization of Europe

Europe will move to Eurobonds for now Brussels gets it – if the euro fails, they lose their jobs in Brussels. Individual government bond issues have prevented the Euro from becoming a major currency and it now trails even the Chinese Yuan in trade. Nonetheless, some are trying to argue such as the German bank co-chief […]

The September Start of War

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; The fact that you gave us all warning of the turn in the Cycle of War coming in 2014 back at the 1998 conference and at 2011 conference, was truly amazing to watch how this has all worked out. But the stunning realization that you pinpoint Ukraine as the flash point and […]