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Rising 3rd Party Trend

Although the recounts have been going on, the Republicans still seem to be winning both governorships and the Senate. The Blue Wave fizzled out and their victory in the House still produced fewer seats than they held before. That FOX poll that reported 46% of Republicans identified with Trump rather than the GOP clearly shows that […]

Election Recount & Fraud

The recount in Florida is expected to show nearly 3,000 votes less than before. This really highlights the entire problem with elections. If we can buy from Amazon online, we should be able to vote online in a secure manner where there is no human process of counting. Of course, that would also reduce the ability […]

The Snowiest Decade

This winter is starting off colder than the last two years. My biggest concern is that all the nonsense about Global Warming is preventing us from preparing for the real trend – Global Cooling. Even in the Bible, there is the story about Joseph warning the Pharaoh that there would be 7 years of plenty followed […]

IMF Tells Nations to Create Their Own Cryptography

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I have to say that Bitcoin has crashed again because the IMF says each country should create its own cryptocurrency. That would kill all the cryptocurrencies and you were right again. Governments will never surrender their power to Bitcoin. Thank you for your realistic perspective DT REPLY: I really do not get these […]

The Coming Monetary Crisis

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you said that next year, interest expenditure will most likely exceed military. Is this how the monetary crisis begins to unfold? WR ANSWER: The entire problem with this Quantitative Easing has been the plain fact that the government is the biggest debtor. This is the same model around the world. Lowering interest […]

Real Estate – Taxes – Currency

COMMENT: Dear Martin, I bought ‘The World Real Estate Report’ at the end of 2016. It stated that Australian real estate was going to fall after the first quarter (March) in 2016. The property prices in Melbourne (where I live) continued to rise in April 2016 so I sent an email to Socrates Support asking […]

Raab Resigns from BREXIT negotiations – May is tottering on Losing the PM Post

The British pound has dropped 1% today and is trading in the mid 127 level. The rumor running around the City (the financial sector in London) is that Prime Minister May has called an emergency press conference and she will resign handing power to Michael Grove. However, it may be more likely that  Grove has […]

CNN v White House

CNN has filed suit over Trump banning Acosta from the White House claiming they have a First Amendment right. Trump says CNN’s Jim Acosta is ‘bad for the country’ and was ‘very rude’ to a female intern during microphone clash as White House argues in court that ‘no journalist has a First Amendment right to enter’. Actually, […]

BREXIT Nothing Like What the People Voted For

  The draft deal of Prime Minister May smells really bad. It is clear that politicians are clueless about trade and the U.K. remaining within the (EU) customs union forever is really going to economically tie Britain to the EU without a right to even vote. What they do not get is that trade in the EU is not negotiated […]

Attorney Michael Avenatti ARRESTED for alleged Domestic Violence

Attorney Michael Avenatti, who became famous for representing Stormy Daniels in her defamation lawsuit against President Donald Trump, and has brought other women to testify in the Supreme Court hearings, was arrested for suspected domestic violence on Wednesday, according to the Los Angeles Police Department. The police have confirmed the arrest but state it is […]