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Are Terrorist Attacks Following the 8.6-Year Frequency?

We have many readers in Brussels who have my sincere sympathy for what is taking place in Europe. I have hesitated to be an alarmist with this aspect of our war cycle, but one reader sent this note today: Dear Martin, I could have been one of the victims today since I passed the Maalbeek […]

British Real Estate

QUESTION: Dear Mr Armstrong An anecdote and a question If I may….. My parents were selling their average 3 bed terrace house in Tooting Bec, SW London for £800,000 in Summer 2015. My mother got ill and poor weather meant roof repairs were needed so they took it off the market. In February they relisted […]

Computer Demands Humility

Armstrong 1985 with IBM XT COMMENT: Fantastic examples in the final version (free-markets-are-natures-design). You need to keep connecting the dots until the person finally sees something, even if it isn’t the whole. Then again, can anyone see the whole? I find it fascinating that the computer gives you dates (dots), but you have to wait until […]

Feel the Beat & Survive

Markets oscillate back and forth. I understand that to the people just coming to this blog that this may look like the “Matrix” or having to learn a new language. But keep in mind that it may appear to be difficult at first, but like speaking a different language, somehow it just flows out when […]

The Interconnected Fractal Nature of Everything Causes Negative People to Lose Everything

QUESTION: Marty, you have said since the S&P 500 and the NASDAQ took out last year’s low and the Dow did not, it does not necessarily imply the Dow must do so since it is international compared to the others being domestic. You said that crude had to close below $35 at year end or […]

Crude Update – March 16th, 2016

On Friday we elected the Weekly Bullish Reversal at 38.40. Crude pulled back for two days marginally to try to retest the previous reversal at 32.40. We have now gapped up and the major Weekly Bullish Reversals stand up at the $45 level. We warned that the first quarter would try the souls of most […]

Will The Youth Save Us?

James Paterson, the youngest senator ever to be elected in Australia at 28-years-old, has boldly stated, “I’m not here for personal power and advancement.” He is a member of the Liberal Party and says he is there to pursue “radical reforms,” which include throwing out the national curriculum in schools, for they are indeed pointless, and reimposing a […]

Space Time – The Chicken or the Egg?

Fabric of Space Time QUESTION: Dear Mr.Armstrong, Do you think of cycles and time as the same thing and interchangeable? Is it time that defines the architecture of a cycle or a cycle that characterises what we know as time? A ANSWER: This is an interesting and very deep question. Recently, a group of scientists have […]

Will Gold and Silver Become the Underground Currencies of the Future?

QUESTION: Martin … the reasoning behind goldbugs … advising people to buy gold to thwart the cashless society that govts will soon impose on us all.  Do you think gold and silver will become the underground currency of the alternative economy as people try to get around the official cashless economy or not? thanks Regards P ANSWER:They probably will […]

Instructional Videos

Above is an instructional video on Benchmark Cycles and how they differ from normal cyclical calculations. For future reference, this video can be found under our “Models” section.