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Gold v Digital Fiat & Marxism

QUESTION: Hi AE…so gov’t “money” (fiat currency) will become just some abstract floating measurement of value, an electronic entry in an electronic account in the cybersphere. As these various so-called gov’ts become less reliable, even between themselves, do you see the possibility of them simply skipping their phony currencies, & trading directly in gold. Russia […]

Interest Rates & the Fed

The Federal Reserve raised the benchmark by 25 bps, as expected. The Fed fully understands that the manipulation of the CPI is a necessary aspect both for containing government benefits and understating inflation also results in high tax revenues. The market loves hope, and as a result, they focused on the warning that we’ll be in […]

Was COVID Just a Rehearsal for WWIII?

QUESTION: Hi Marty, You’ve taught through many historic examples that politicians drag us to war because they need an external enemy to hide their failures.  Wag the dog.  Have you considered this time around the U.S. will enter ww3 to cover up the reveal of the covid vaccine blunder?  Yes, war will still hide the debt […]

Market Talk – February 1, 2023

ASIA: January’s reading for China’s purchasing managers’ index has confirmed expectations that Asia’s powerhouse is back into growth mode, beating analyst expectations and topping 50. At 50.1, the official manufacturing PMI reading is above the line that separates growth from contraction and compares with analyst expectations of a reading below 50, at 49.8, per a […]

Fox News – “ominous Great Depression warning”

Fox Business is reporting that economic conditions are much worse than you are being told.  Unfortunately, this is the conclusion when you have ZERO understanding of the historical trends and economic conditions. It is true that the shortages of COVID have caused prices to rise faster than economic growth and most incomes.  Therefore, they conclude that […]

Market Talk – January 31, 2023

  ASIA:   The White House is launching a partnership with India on Tuesday that President Joe Biden hopes will help the country compete with China in military equipment, semiconductors and artificial intelligence. Washington wants to deploy more Western mobile phone networks on the subcontinent to counter China’s Huawei Technologies, welcome more Indian computer chip […]

Europe will be Destroyed over Ukraine

While Chancellor Olaf Scholz has been pushing back against demands of Ukraine for fighter jets now after the tanks, there have been those in Germany eager to support Ukraine to destroy Russia. They have filled their heads with such propaganda that Russia will conquer all of Europe if it is not completely destroyed NOW. They […]

Military Surveillance Critics During COVID

Evidence is surfacing that the military was engaged in domestic surveillance in Britain as well as Canada of anyone who was a critic of the COVID lockdowns. It is very clear that there was no historic precedent whatsoever for locking down all of society for a virus that was not even lethal beyond the normal […]

Market Talk – January 30, 2023

ASIA:   India’s annual pre-budget economic survey is likely to peg GDP growth at 6-6.8% for 2023-24, according to a source. The government survey is likely to say that growth is seen at 6.5% for 2023-24 under the baseline scenario. This would be the slowest in three years. Nominal growth is likely to be forecast […]

Pfizer – A Clear & Present Danger to the World?   Of course, YuuTube removed it to protect Pfizer. They are part of the media that has been targeting free speech and wants nothing but to sell humanity down the river. Here is the link to Project Veritas off the record with Pfizer. In the video, there is a question if they are […]