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Interview: 2020 Coup, Bitcoin

Play the video above or click here to watch my most recent interview with Howe Street on “This Week in Money.”

Summer Webinar Series – Tickets Available!

  Upcoming Webinar Series – Take Your Trading to the Next Level! Do you want to deepen your understanding of economic cycles and how they influence market trends? We’ve heard your requests for continued education and are introducing three new webinars. Join us for one or all three exclusive webinars designed to equip you with […]

Attorney General Held in Contempt of Congress

  The Rule of Law has been torn to pieces. The entire Justice System in the United States is rapidly becoming a joke internationally as we border on becoming indistinguishable from the Banana Republic, where the pretense of law is only the self-interest of those in power. In Plato’s classic work, you will find the […]

Fed vs Treasury – Hillary vs Obama

COMMENT: A friend watched your interview on USAWatchdog, and his response was that you were wrong that the FED doesn’t need anyone to buy the debt. The FED can print as much money as Congress cares to spend. I was stunned that he did not comprehend that the FED is not the issuer of the […]

Police Officers Wanted – The Revolutionary Cycle in Swing

The defund the police movement was so effective that countless agencies are struggling to fill job vacancies. So we have politicians who demonized the police, philanthropists who funded mobs who chanted for their demise, and non-citizens running rampant, committing attacks on officers without consequence. The police are unable to implement law and order because divisive […]

Revelations – Are We In The End Days? 1,000-Year Cycle

Various cultures and religions have been concerned about the end of time looming throughout history. Aethelred II (978-1016 AD) was so convinced the world was about to end in 1000 AD that he removed his portrait from the coinage and placed the Christian symbol of the lamb on it. The world did not end, and […]

Dow Passes Record-Breaking 40,000 Midday – Jan 2020 Forecast Comes to Fruition

The Dow surpassed 40,000 during midday trading for the very first time this Thursday. In a January 2020 interview with Andrew McCreath from BNN Bloomberg I explained that the Dow was heading up. The video was posted with the headline “DOW 40,000” and everyone dismissed my forecast as if it were my own personal opinion. […]

Milton Friedman Explains Why Stakeholder Capitalism Fails

What brought thousands of people together to create something as simple as a pencil? Some may be familiar with the late economist Milton Friedman’s popular analogy of how a mere pencil represents the effectiveness of a free market. No single human could create something as simple as a pencil. The phone or computer you are […]

INSANE New Tax Proposal – Stealing from Citizens Legally

Success is a punishable offense in Biden’s America. Joe Biden and his administration would like to implement a 44.6% tax on capital gains, the highest tax on capital gains in the nation’s history. Washinton says this tax is necessary to address the looming national debt, but they are simultaneously implementing measures to ensure that the […]

Why Trump Can Only be Put on Trial by Congress – Not the Department of Justice

QUESTION: I would love to hear your legal comments on Trump’s immunity claim. EP ANSWER: I would approach this from a geopolitical and practical manner. Trump MUST be completely immune from bringing any criminal or civil charges against him by the government when he is President – yes, even if he killed someone and shot […]