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Airborn – the way of the future

Reuters has covered the development of exciting new technology in transportation. The UK-based Malloy Aeronautics team is preparing to test a manned quadcopter capable of outmaneuvering a helicopter. The entirely new approach for aerial vehicles could reshape the world ahead. A 1/3-sized scale model is already gaining popularity with drone enthusiasts around the world. The […]

China to Replace Microsoft, Apple, and Android by Year-End

The revelations of the NSA tapping into everything has long-term serious implications. This outrageous snooping will cost the United States dearly for it will lose its technology edge over the world economy. As that declines, so will the US economy and that is how the shift to China will unfold. Computer technology became an area […]

Are we Heading for Another French Revolution?

The latest polls now show that more than 80 percent of French people do not believe that the government of President Hollande can advance the country’s economy. For the future, citizens expect high deficits, economic stagnation and record unemployment. The policies of Hollande and his French Style Socialism is undermining the entire French economy on such […]

Russian Sanction Destroying European Agruculture

In Netherlands, farmers are being driven into bankruptcy and banks have lent money ti farmers they cannot now collect. In Spain, Catalan peasants burned their crops publicly protesting against the policies of Brussels. They see the EU Strategy against the Russians and their import ban on EU vegetables as brain-dead and misguided at best. A trade union […]

Draghi Emerges from Jackson Hole Stating Germany is Wrong

Mario Draghi, head of European Central Bank (ECB), emerges from Jackson Hole urging what some see as a surprising departure from the economical state imposed by Germany. The flood of money the ECB had not shown, together with the recent austerity measures have not had the desired economic effect. Draghi is now advocating state growth programs and […]

Yellen & Jackson Hole – The Central Bank Marxist Festival

Global central bankers led by Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen gathered in Jackson Hole for their annual Marxist Festival. Of course, those in government are just way too dangerous because whatever they see never involves them as a cause of any problem. It is impossible to see how to engage the economy when you eliminate […]

There is an 800% Higher Probably Americans Will be Killed by Police Than by a Terrorist

The Ferguson incident has exposed the underbelly of the United States and now everyone is starting to pay attention that there is a higher risk of being killed by police even when they chase or shoot at people who need not be you. The risk is 800% greater that you will be killed by POLICE […]

New Contagion

It appears that we are at the beginning of a trend similar to the race riots that started in 1964 insofar as this is against police brutality and abuse. The Reverend Al Sharpton led thousands of chanting but peaceful activists in a march across Staten Island on Saturday to protest the death of Eric Garner, […]

Police & Disarming

Another example of why the police should not be armed and there should be trained teams that need to be called in is the sad case of the killing of a 3-year old taken by her father in a police shootout. A domestic violence dispute erupted in Maryland where grandparents were withholding their grandchild from […]

EU Wants to Regulate Farting that they say is #2 Cause of Global Warming

Yes you read it correct. Environment Minister Hendricks wants to ban cows from farting – guess you will be next. Bean farmers – you better start looking for an alternative crop. Hendricks says cows emit tons of methane gas and are nearly as detrimental to the environment such as car exhaust. Look out – there […]