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Cycle of War & Civil Unrest

  QUESTION: Marty; Your work on the cycle of war is really amazing. I found it fascinating how war has popped up everywhere in 2014 and then Ferguson hits the same as in 1964 when the race riots also lined up with your model. This too may be a trend and the peak in that […]

Draghi Blames Ukraine for Euroland Deflation

Those in government are just way too dangerous because whatever they see never involves themselves as a cause. Now Mario Draghi, head of the ECB, has bluntly stated that the Ukraine crisis is one of the reasons why inflation does not start in Europe. Deflation would be dangerous especially for all debtors because it makes […]

How Judges Are Destroying the World Economy

Federal Judges will routinely rule in favor of government to the point they just lack the comprehension that their rulings are destroying the world economy. There is no worse court than that of the Southern District of New York where judges claim the right to even alter the words spoken in court (see UNITED STATES v. […]

DEFLATION and yet another reason to Buy Equities

With the Sovereign Debt Crisis, Bail-Ins, Cycle of War, Global Contraction if Capital Flows & Investment, welcome the age of DEFLATION and yet another reason to BUY equities. The NASDAQ Composite is up 50.9% from the 2007 high as of the close of July. This index still has the capability of reaching 650000 level compared to the […]

Bail-In v Bail-Out

The stark difference that is being marketed behind the curtain is that taxpayers should not be burdened with bailing-out banks. Depositors and bond holders should be made to pay as in any other situation. The “bail-in” v taxpayer-funded “bail-out”, is a philosophy that is sweeping the entire political system. But there is a serious problem. […]

The Second Murder by Police St Louis

 Man Murdered on Video by St Louis Police This video shows a call about a man who stole a couple donuts. He stays there waiting for the police to show up. They get there are tell him to drop a knife and just kill him with multiple shots. There is no attempt to disarm him […]

SP500 Short-Term v Long-Term

The primary reason we run our model on everything at each time level is to distinguish short-term moves from long-term. For those who may be relatively new, our models are highly fractal. They were originally developed on intraday trading. It was then observed that the very same patterns which appeared intraday would migrate upward through […]

SP500 Still on Track to Test 3000 Level

We still see the US share market rising sharply. The cash SP500 should reach the 3000 level. We have an important Monthly Bullish Reversal standing at 212342. Only an August closing below 193000 would be short-term bearish. There remains no other game in town. With the lethal combination of the Sovereign Debt Crisis and the […]

ECB To Flood Southern Europe with Trillion Euros

The ECB will lend to banks in the next two years up to a trillion euros to revive the real economy in the periphery of the Eurozone all to save the Euro and retain the power in Brussels that is crumbling at the edges. This, massive volume of long-term loans is even far greater than previously […]

Death of the Dollar

Prosecutors are simply lawyers gone really bad and enjoy their power without comprehending the full depth of their actions. The sanctions against Standard Chartered are insane and this will drive more and more banks away from using the dollar in international transactions. It is the prosecutors who are setting the stage for the new one-world reserves […]