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EU To Pay Members with Tax Money for Losses in Revenue with Russia

Resistance to the Russian sanctions in the EU has been growing in some regions of the EU. Hungary now has spoken out against the hard-line of sanctions and Brussels now seeks to dampen the rising anger with bribes – paying for the revenue losses with taxpayers’ money from the rest of Europe. The EU is […]

Texas Corruption – Worst in USA?

The video of a drunk District Attorney stumbling and trying to scare the police by saying who she was to get out of it, was outrageous to say the least. What she attempted to do is in itself an abuse of power for which her cronies have indicted Governor Perry. At the very least, this […]

Why the Free Press Cannot Co-Exist with Federal Judges

The New York Times journalist James Risen is facing potentially life imprisonment unless he reveals all his sources. Risen has gone on record stating that the Obama Administration is hunting down journalists to shut them up. Risen has refused to reveal a source and testify against a former CIA agent accused of leaking secrets. This is […]


United States Court of Appeals,Second Circuit. Martin A. ARMSTRONG, Petitioner-Appellant, v. Joseph R. GUCCIONE, United States Marshal for the Southern District of New York, and Marvin D. Morrison, Warden, Metropolitan Correctional Center, Respondents-Appellees, Alan M. Cohen, Intervenor Receiver-Appellee. Docket Nos. 04-5448-PR(L), 05-0280-PR(CON). Decided: November 27, 2006 Before:  WALKER, LEVAL and SOTOMAYOR, Circuit Judges. Thomas V. Sjoblom […]

The Latest in the Derivative Nightmare on the Horizon

The entire problem with derivatives being structured by banks has been the complex nature and the fact that such structures remain untested and perpetually blow up in everyone’s face. The Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday reported that Credit Suisse helped put together billions of dollars in securities that were issued by offshore investment vehicles of […]

Orange County December 1994 Bankruptcy

On December 6th, 1994, Orange County California became the largest municipality in U.S. history ever to file for bankruptcy. The financial difficulties leading to the bankruptcy were the direct result of an enormous gamble with public funds taken by a county treasurer who was seriously under-qualified to deal in the kinds of investments he chose. […]

Why Police should be Disarmed – They Kill Way too Many People by Mistake

An example of why police should not be allowed to carry weapons is evidenced everyday. They kill about 400 people each year according to USA Today. Perhaps we should have just armed swat teams and normal unarmed police as was the case in London. They are gun happy and should be disarmed. The say doctors […]

Scotland – One Month to Go now 38% in Favor of Separation

An exclusive opinion poll for Scotland on Sunday, published just one month before the crucial vote, revealed  that support for independence which everyone said had little support one year ago is suddenly climbing reaching 38 per cent. Scotland would be wise to go their own way with Britain hunting taxes and EU at war against […]

Are we on the Verge of Renewed Race Riots with the Turn in the War Cycle in 2014?

There is an old saying that is very important in its depth – divide and conquer. Yes the Black Community is outraged. But have things really remained the same or are we dealing with a new movement of government against the people? Most Americans are at least aware of or remember the race-related riots that […]

Retired British Citizens maybe Forced to Return to UK for TAXES

The Sovereign Debt Crisis is moving at full speed worldwide. British Expats who have been renting out their homes in Britain are the latest target to changing taxes. George Osborne wants to stripped of the right to use the personal allowance under a taxation. Britons who are not taxed like Americans on worldwide income could be […]