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FATCA Unconstitutional Even in Canada

  In the land of the free and home of the brave, we just have to concede, the constitution is just a fictional story for children. It has been buried long ago and what remains above the sand is just for show. It now seems the only way for Americans to get a fair hearing about […]

Our Greek Tragedy – Endless Repetition

QUESTION: I have followed you for decades and use adaptions of your theories in my trading. However there seems to be some contradictions in the way you analyse the world. Like me, you see developments as cyclical. Yet, and this what I find strange, you criticise players for what is happening, when they are just pawns to the cycles. […]

The Long-Term is not Spontaneous

  Many people are always skeptical about forecasting for they first tend to confuse what we do with others who just express opinions. Secondly, they assume because you cannot predict the closing price of the Dow Jones tomorrow, then how can you possibly forecast years and decades in advance? This paradox incorporates trends, connectivity with […]

2016 Hillary Clinton as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

  Obama’s approval rating is an abysmal 36-59 percent while giving Hillary Clinton has a much more robust 52-43 percent. This is showing how even markets move and why divorce is so bad. No matter if it is love, politics, or investment, as human beings we act always in anticipation. This is why fundamental analysis […]

Protests turn to Free For All But there is Something Much More

Riots are have erupted with hundreds of protesters gathering at a suburban St. Louis police station on Monday demanding murder charges against an officer who shot to death an unarmed black teenager over the weekend. Looting just went nuts like the ’60s. While this is being painted as a race issue, there is yet another […]

Russia Moves Toward Price Controls

Russia wants government control of food prices to prevent the impact upon the the people of war-time economics. In order to prevent a rapid rise in inflation, Russian regulation in the marketplace is a battle-cry. The considerations show that the Kremlin fears great resentment among the people because of the cost of the conflict with the […]

Tensions Continue to Rise Between USA & Russia & the Media Plays Games

Russia is teaming up with the Red Cross to send aid to Eastern Ukraine. The US is trying to say this is an invasion attempt. In fact, our sources are clear. In the city of  The greatest complaint rising from the East is the propaganda being hurled around in both directions. In this pro-Ukrainian cartoon […]

Putin Raid Pension Funds to Stimulate Crimea

I cannot find anyone who can articulate why Russia is now an enemy of the USA other than statements that he is empire-building. Other than that, Russia is no longer communist, they are fully integrated into Western political-economics. In order to stimulate the ailing economy on the Crimean peninsula, Putin accesses resources from the private and […]

Divide & Conquer – Always the Best Strategy

QUESTION: Marty; Are you suggesting that we should have divided the private sector from Putin and turned them against him as he seems to be doing with Boeing? BTW: thanks for your insight. I can see the difference experience makes compared to just opinion. Brad ANSWER: Absolutely. People think wrongly that putting in trade sanctions […]

The President Kennedy's Telstar News Conference of July 23, 1962

Telstar News Conference July 23rd, 1962   THE PRESIDENT. Good afternoon. [ 1.] I understand that part of today’s press conference is being relayed by the Telstar communications satellite to viewers across the Atlantic, and this is another indication of the extraordinary world in which we live. This satellite must be high enough to carry […]