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US Begins Bombing in Iraq

Hours after President Barack Obama opened the door to military action to protect the Kurdish-controlled city of Erbil from the advancing militant group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the U.S. military aircraft launched the first airstrikes against the alleged militants. Two F/A-18 aircraft dropped 500-pound laser-guided bombs on a mobile artillery piece near Erbil. […]

Power is Power

Thomas Hobbes wrote in his seminar work the Leviathan: “Reputation of power is power, because it draweth with it the adherence of those that need protection.”  Indeed, those who have observed politics and government have seen that without a doubt power draws to itself more power. This is true on an individual level as people want […]

Geometry of Time

COMMENT: Hi Martin, What advise would you offer to people, following your teachings, to further enhance their knowledge. Where would you recommend they start? You recent posts regarding Time is intriguing and as you said is “a mind twister”. It was like an awakening. From what I took out, at any point of Time we […]

European Banking Crisis is Far From Over

Most people do not know but banking in the rise from the Dark Ages began with merchants and the banking capitol of Europe was Siena, Italy. This is where the oldest bank in the world resides and it is here where we see the consequences of the CDOs marketed by Goldman Sachs and others have dealt […]

Kiev New Riots

The people who fought so hard to establish freedom in Ukraine has continued to occupy Maidan in Kiev. The new “west” installed government In Kiev is turning against the people for all governments are only interested in sustaining their own self-interest – power. The original freedom protesters are being told to leave and they have […]

What Goes Around – Comes Around – Russian Sanctions on Europe

Put has directed a one year ban on importing food from the West. Even fruits and vegetables are now affected by the proclaimed sanctions by the Kremlin. Putin’s one year ban was announced by prime minister Dmitry Medvedev. The sanctions are Russia’s sharpest response to Western sanctions over the Ukraine conflict. They also apply to […]

Italy Moves Into Recession & the End of Democracy

Italy has entered that phase of zero-point growth. Italy’s people have been beaten by Europe and no longer expect recovery. But then, yesterday, the Statistical Office of the economic data for the second quarter of 2014 released economic numbers that ​​froze a dumb look even on the faces of the hardcore pessimists. For the second […]

The Truth About Eastern Ukraine

The West wishes to blame everything in the East on Russia. But there is another element that is creating far more terror and is being attributed toe Russia – U N F A I R L Y. Between this apparent East v West conflict, gangs of criminals have emerged in the East that may now […]

Putin outclasses Obama even on the Worst of Days

Vladimir Putin on his worst possible day can still outclass Obama or any Western Leader when it comes to strategy. The West are lawyers – Putin is ex-KGB. The difference is displayed is so many ways. It is more than just watching body-language. Putin has totally confused Obama in a brilliant strategy of divide and conquer. […]

Ripples through Time

It is truly astonishing that when it comes to TIME, we seem to have a mental block that creates a major prejudice. In our present reality, still to this very day we have simply ignored the conclusions of Albert Einstein, Richard Feynman, and Stephen Hawking. All three in their most fundamental conclusions about the universe, made […]