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The Bureaucracy is Out of Control

Obama should just resign. He is outrageous. He supported the NSA and has claimed the CIA does not spy on Congress. Well, the Inspector General has released his report and oops – yes the CIA spies on Congress. Let’s get real here. I have reported that for 2 years speaking and communicating with people on […]

July Recap of Few Markets

  The closings for July were quite important in the long-run.Gold on a nearest futures basis closed July at 1281.30. Support during August will lie at the 1240.00  and resistance will form at 1285.00 on a closing basis with 1318.00 followed by 1350.00. We do not see a possible final low before Jan/Feb 2015. The […]

The Euro – A Dying Currency

COMMENT:  Your daily effusions are a tonic — for which much thanks. Reading your earlier writings, and specifically your Oct 1997 memo on the Euro,I am stunned how little has changed in the last 17 years.Somehow that flawed currency has been induced to retain a pulse but it is not hard to anticipate its sudden […]

Dow Jones Outlook for July 2014 Closing

The July high seems to be unfolding nicely in the US share market as we warned at the World Economic Conference. The computer seems to have done an excellent job targeting the week of 14th as the Directional Change.   A closing for July BELOW 16695 will warn that we are starting to lose the […]

State of the World Trends

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Firstly, I would like to thank you for discussing economic and political matters in an honest and frank manner.  It is difficult in the present world to find individuals with integrity, and I am aware that you have sacrificed a great deal in order to maintain yours.  As a student of […]

Ebola Virus – The Next Plague Due 2019?

QUESTION: Hello Martin Please inform if the spread of the Ebola virus is showing up your viewing of the current cycles. B ANSWER: This Cycle of War has been incredible for it is linked at the core with weather, economics, plagues, and natural disasters. You cannot look at war in isolation for its cause is rooted […]

Russia’s Response

Russia is responding by raising energy costs to Europe and throwing out all US auditing and financial companies in the country. The deputies of the Duma have already brought a law on the way to be voted on. Among the affected companies, Deloitte, KPMG, Ernst & Young LLP, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Boston Consulting Group Inc. and McKinsey & […]

Argentina Defaults – Assets Rise?

Argentina is moving into default and they could trigger bondholder claims between $25 to $30 billion. This is an amount equal to all its foreign-currency reserves. True,  if overdue interest on Argentina’s dollar-denominated debt due 2033 is not paid by July 30, then provisions in bonds known as cross-default clauses would allow the nation’s other debt […]

Hungary – Abolishing Democracy

The Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban believe it or job is actually being more honest that his EU counterparts. He has proposed outright to end the free democracy in Hungary. At a seminar in Romanian Transylvania, Orban has announced he wants to construct “an illiberal state on a national basis”. He argues that the financial crisis has shown “that […]

Why We will Go to War with Russia

The latest headline to appear in the German Press – “Putin confidant: There will be war in Europe” Indeed, our own back-door channels are red hot. It seems many people are well aware of our model on the Cycle of War and have been lighting up my phone. I knew people always wanted to know […]