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Gates’ Eugenics End Goal – Population Control

What is truly amazing is how the mainstream media is so intent upon just accepting whatever Bill Gates says and his entire agenda without the slightest bit of investigation. They just hate Trump so intensely that they do not care what the agenda is behind Gates’ global assault on the economy, arguing we will never […]

Market Talk – May 27, 2020

ASIA: Tensions between China and India over their Himalayan border have escalated, with China accused of moving thousands of troops into disputed territory and expanding a military airbase in the region. An online news agency reported that thousands of Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) troops have moved into sensitive areas along the eastern Ladakh border. […]

Is Gates Stupid or Very Clever with Vaccines?

QUESTION: Dear Mr Armstrong I was in a discussion with a friend about current affairs – me, against Bill Gates and the likes and him, taking a more neutral stance. He asked if I watched some or anything he actually said. I said yes, well at least what you have posted I have watched in […]

Market Talk – May 26, 2020

ASIA: An internal Chinese report warns that China is facing a rising wake of hostility in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak that could tip relations with United States into a confrontation, people familiar with the matter told Reuters. State media reports say that Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday directed China’s armed forces to […]

Risk of Making Gold Illegal

  We must understand one thing. This is an absolutely all-out major assault upon capitalism being led by the Socialists in union with the Climate Change and the Gates Foundation which has also been pushing the democratization of paper money. This means they are no about to allow any alternative to their agenda. This goes […]

US Crowds Defy Lockdowns

Americans are defying the lockdown orders throughout the country from California to the Atlantic Seaboard. People have discarded their masks which the CDC originally stated will not prevent getting a virus of any kind. Politicians are going to find that at least 33% of the population is thumbing their noses at government and see this […]

Market Talk – May 22, 2020

Due to the US bank holiday on Monday, “Market Talk” will resume on Tuesday, May 26. ASIA: Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Wednesday on the 20th anniversary of Macao’s return to China that the “One Country, Two Systems” principle is totally feasible and enjoys broad public support with characteristics of Macao. Xi made the […]

Youth Chase Police off Beach

We are getting reports from around the globe and it appears that this lockdown is unleashing civil unrest that is not going to be contained. Here is a video from Holland. The youth chase the police off the beach at IJmuiden. I went to get my hair cut today so I ended the cave-man look. […]

The 2020 Election

QUESTION: Hi Marty, What is your prediction for the 2020 election now this bug “crisis” has stirred everything up? Do you think they will try and run with Biden, incompetent as he is, and just unleash a media assault on Trump, blaming him for everything and hope that wins the day? Or do you still […]

What is Really the Game with the Bailouts?

  There is a major crisis economically unfolding and the markets are not yet taking into account the seriousness of the economic damage. I have explained that this is a Coronavirus Bankruptcy Pandemic which has put about 30% of the retail service industry in the crosshairs of insolvency. But there are smaller municipal governments that […]