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Market Talk – August 11, 2022

ASIA: According to Morgan Stanley analysts, India is likely to be the fastest growing Asian economy by 2022-23. They expect India’s gross domestic product growth to average 7 percent over the period — the strongest among major economies — and contribute 28 percent and 22 percent to growth in Asia and 22 percent, respectively. Much […]

The Rhine Drought

The drought across Europe has caused substantial problems. In Germany, the Rhine has all but evaporated. Freights have been forced to reduce their loads across the river, but some are foregoing the route altogether. German authorities have not closed the river but are permitting shippers to cross at their own risk — and it is […]

Market Talk – August 10, 2022

ASIA: Japan ran a current account deficit for the first time in 5 months in June as rising imports eclipsed exports, data showed on Monday (Aug 8), underscoring the pressure on the economy from higher energy and raw material prices. The world’s third-largest economy posted a current account deficit of ¥132.4 billion (USD 1.4 billion) […]

Market Talk – August 9, 2022

ASIA: China’s export sector posted strong growth in July, providing a much-needed boost to the world’s second-largest economy, which is almost certain to miss its GDP target this year. Exports measured in US dollars jumped 18% in July from a year earlier, marking the fastest pace of growth this year, according to Chinese customs statistics […]

Greece’s Public Debt Reached 193% of GDP

Greece’s debt problem has been unrelenting. The European Union refuses to consolidate member state debt, and Greece’s money woes have only multiplied since joining the euro. The global economic downturn is hitting the Mediterranean nation hard. Inflation reached 11.6% in June, a rise from May’s reading of 10.5%. The Greek Statistical Service (ELSTAT) collected data […]

Energy Rationing in Spain

Spain is yet another southern European country feeling the brunt of inflation. Spain’s National Statistics Institute (INE) reported that prices rose 10.8% in July, an increase from June’s 10.2% reading and May’s 8.5% level. This is the highest level of inflation for the nation since September 1984. Spain’s economy grew 1.1% in Q2, faring better […]

Market Talk – August 8, 2022

ASIA: China’s consumer inflation could soon surpass 3%, CICC said. A global inflation wave that has largely bypassed the world’s second-largest economy may eventually hit prices there. Consumer price inflation in China has remained relatively low compared to soaring costs seen elsewhere as demand remains squeezed by strict Covid control policies and sporadic outbreaks. China’s […]

It’s the Family You Remember

COMMENT: GREAT idea to take the family to Yellowstone!! I am 79 yrs old and my dad took the family there when I was in secondary school. He and mom were school teachers so they had all summer off. Not that far a drive from the east side of New Mexico. Strongly urge everyone to […]

A Cycle Has Changed Inside Russia

  To my total shock, I know a family that fled Poland to flee from Russia and went to Canada. They then fled Canada because of all the insanity of Trudeau and refused to return. Since their visa for America is expiring, they said to me that they may now go to Russia. I was […]

Market Talk – August 5, 2022

ASIA: China continued military exercises near Taiwan and flew drones near Japan on Friday, escalating cross-strait tensions that have threatened to boil over since Taipei welcomed US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for a historic visit. Taiwan’s defense ministry said Chinese warships and aircraft continued exercises in the waters around the island, adding that Chinese People’s […]