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Trump will Be Found Guilty in NYC And Bragg Will Try to Imprison Him

  New York City is out to destroy Donald Trump, and Alvin Bragg’s criminal trial starts today – Monday. We already know the outcome – Trump will receive nothing of a fair trial, and Bragg, with the judges, will find Trump Guilty, and they WILL try to imprison Trump on Riker’s Island and cheer when […]

Israel into April

QUESTION: Marty Socrates was the only one to forecast the trend change in Israel in 2021. With tensions rising over Iran, the forecast for a dollar rally into 2025 seems to be on point. My question is, I assume the 2021 low is a major low, and how high will the dollar go? Thank you […]

Why I Old Buy Old Cars

The Climate Zealots are intent upon ending the Industrial Revolution, for most are just brainwashed fools, as illustrated by throwing soup on major oil paintings, because they are so STUPID and just hear the word oil, and it must be evil. You paint using linseed oil – not crude oil. What can I say? These […]

It’s About Accomplishment – Not Money

QUESTION: The rumor going around is that Bill Gates is trying to buy your company for $10 billion. My reply was if so, I doubt Marty would ever sell to him. Would you care to comment? Harold   REPLY: The answer is NO. First of all, you cannot spend even one billion, no less ten […]

March Webinars – Tickets Still Available!

Mastering Economic Insights: Q1 Exclusive Webinars   Embark on a journey of financial enlightenment with our exclusive webinar series in the first quarter of 2024. We are hosting three separate events catered to your personal interests. Join us as we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Economic Confidence Model (ECM), delve into the intricacies of […]

And Here Comes April/May 2024

  The Supreme Court has set April 25th as the oral argument for the decision on whether Trump has immunity. I do not know why events will always show up with our cycle targets. I have come to believe that the PRESSURE in the system compels actions to take place on these cyclical targets. Our […]

Gold v Bitcoin

QUESTION: Marty, is it time to short Bitcoin? Even the stochastic are starting to roll over. My best indicator is a crypto bug who says you are wrong and it will replace the dollar at go to 100,000 any day now. He is always the kiss of death in trading. Never looks at charts. Only […]

Request from Belarus

QUESTION: I have been referred by the Embassy of Belarus in South Africa Ambassador, to contact the Armstrong Economics team.This is pertaining the publication as follows: Request is as follows: Armstrong Economics team to please share evidence of this article as published in Sept 2020Thanks in advance. Kind regards S.D. ANSWER: Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko, […]

The Family Divide

COMMENT: Martin, I am at least thankful that my family is not divided over Trump, and they are starting to believe Socrates’ forecasts for 2032. Oddly, my youngest son, who is often loud and obnoxious, will vote for Trump because he does not want war.  However, he doesn’t like Trump because Trump is not as […]

The Elites Want War to Reduce the Population ASAP for Climate Change

    This entire conflict was manufactured by the American Neocons led by John McCain and Victoria Nuland. It was McCain who started the Climate Change agenda on Capital Hill, and it had nothing to do with the planet. He was arguing against fossil fuels to cut off Russia’s energy sales. It was never about […]