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Beware 2025

QUESTION: Hi Martin, As an avid reader of your blog I have the following question: I follow the rationale for the coming capital concentration (and bubbles) in US stocks and then gold into 2016/7.  Once the bubble for gold bursts where do you see the capital flowing?  Is that when you foresee an even greater […]

War & Commodities

QUESTION: Hello, I am a fan of your research and forward it to my friends when I can. Reading your site has provoked a question..If the war cycle proves true which it very well could, and we see a downturn in Q3 2015, then will commodities such as crude and gold likely spike upward, or will […]

Cameron Lashes Out Against Putin – Prepare for World War III

David Cameron and Vladimir Putin met face-to-face talks in June. Now Cameron is towing the US line and is speaking out to NATO warning it is “unprepared for Russia threat”. Cameron has told NATO that it seriously needs to rethink its long-term relationship with Russia. British Prime Minister David Cameron has warned that Russia’s “illegal” actions in […]

The Shift from West to the East

The computer has done a pretty good job on forecasting the markets, but also the rise in the Cycle of War that seems to be exploding absolutely everywhere. All I can do is articulate what it is forecasting for nobody could possibly make such a forecast years in advance based solely upon opinion or even […]

Difference between – War & Revolution

World Economic Conference 2014 Preview on Youtube

  Preview – World Economic Conference 2014 – 8 DVD Set Set of 8 DVDs $950

NATO Fears Russia Will Invade Ukraine

Russia is beginning extensive military maneuvers. NATO wants to respond to the maneuver which had already been announced in 2013, with a new defense strategy. The Nato commander, General Breedlove, fears a Russian attack on the Ukraine and wants to move as quickly as possible creating an additional NATO headquarters to the German-Polish border to […]

Sanction Against Russia Set the Stage for the Next Real Big Crash

This entire war of sanction against Russia will contribute greatly to the economic decline next year from 2015.75. Even the US economic growth is slow and unemployment is more than twice as high as it was when the Great Depression began when it was just 5% back then compared to 10%+ currently. With China, emerging […]

Fraud of Education

Obama blames Republicans for not agreeing to raise the minimum wage so poor students can afford their non-dischargable student loans. If Obama really cared about the students then the answer is simple:   1) let these loans be discharged in bankruptcy 2) let the loans be interest-free and void if you cannot find a job […]

WEC 2014 DVD Set of 8 – Preview on Youtube

Preview – World Economic Conference 2014 – 8 DVD Set Set of 8 DVDs $950