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University of Washington Paper States Plainly that there has been no appreciable attention paid to Cyclical Analysis of Weather

The introduction to a University of Washington paper is right on point. It warns that there has been way too little investigation into the natural cyclical trends within the climate. The arrogance of assuming we have the power in our hands to change the entire environment within a few decades is absurd. The assumption that […]

World Central Bank Secret Agreements?

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand hiked its official cash rate by a quarter point to 3.5%. Outside of Europe that seems to be in an economic death spiral, interest rates are poised to rise. The ECB is happy with that for flooding Europe with more euros and keeping interest rates at zero of moving […]

Swiss & Chinese Central Banks Enter Swap Agreement

The Swiss National Bank and the People’s Bank of China reached a currency swap agreement on Monday. While this is not a huge trend changer in the near-term, it demonstrates that our forecast for China to become the largest economy and to be the next financial capital of the world when Europe and the USA […]

Law = Just Opinion – Obamacare is Illegal As Applied

When a court issues a ruling it is actually called its “opinion”. In religious circles, many of the Protestants revolted against the Catholic Church because they did not like the fact that if the Pope decreed something, it was considered to be infallible – the Sacred Magisterium. Well American judges take the same position. Papal infallibility […]

The Sum of our Future – He who Makes the Laws never goes to Jail for Breaking them

Working for the government was always pitched as somehow being better guaranteed than risky corporations. However, he who makes the laws never goes to jail for breaking them – a plain fact of life. The problem with government pensions has been they promised whatever sounded nice, with zero accountability. The presumption that tax revenue was an […]

The Euro

The Euro continues to sink lower as the dollar has risen to eight-month highs on worries over tougher sanctions to be imposed upon Russia and their potential impact on the seriously weak Eurozone growth. The tax rates in Europe are simply insane and now even the German population must work MORE than half the year […]

Mints of Alexander the Great

(Partial Listing) (* number of mint marks) Amphipolis, Macedonia (5) Arado, Phoenicia Babylon, Babylonia (3) Byblos, Phoenicia, Colophon, Ionia Corinth, Greece Damascus, Syria Lampsacus, Mysia (2) Magnesia, Ionia Memphis, Egypt Miletus. Ionia (3) Rhodes Sardis, Ionia Side, Pamphylia Tarsos, Cilicia (2) Temno, Aiolis Pella, Macedonia Odessos, Thrace

Roman Coinage Mint Marks

Roman Mintmarks By Mint Mint Dates of Operation Mintmarks Alexandria, Egypt 294 – 421 and 457 – 474 A.D. AL, ALE, ALEX, SMAL (Notes: Issued currency for the province before becoming a regular imperial mint. Reopened by the Byzantines 525 -646 A.D.) Ambianum (Amiens, France) 350 – 353 A.D. AMB, AMBI Antioch/Antiochia (Antakiyah, Syria) 217 […]

No Economic Decline in Washington – EVER

  Housing in Washington never collapsed because it is supported by your tax dollars. Good or bad, the money flows to Washington. The very same hotel chain charges $200 in Philadelphia, $300 in New York City and $400 in Washington. It ain’t for the tourist. It’s for the sea of lobbyists. Since 2001, the president has […]

Preparing for War

The propaganda machine is in full force. Everything is used for political purposes regardless of the truth. Within mere days after the crash of a Malaysian Airlines flight over eastern Ukraine, US politicians and the government media joined together to spin the story that it was Russia who shot down the plane or their Russian supported […]