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Russia v US Sanctions

    Honestly, the Obama Administration are not just brain-dead, they are like the Jelly Fish – they have no brain at all. They exist simply by stupid motion – zero thought. Sanctions against Russia have only torn apart what ever administration has accomplished since Richard Nixon. These sanctions will hurt the USA economy and […]

Who is in that Hated top 1% – Could it be You?

IF you make $100,000 a year (salary and investment), you are in the top 1% and those like Piketty hate your guts. And the Press love this guy. Where do you Stand

Shooting Down Civil Aircraft Is Not Unheard-of

A reader reminds us of Iranian Flight 655. Most American do not know about it for it never really made the press in the USA crushed by the government as one of those “favors”. Iran Air Flight 655 was an Iran Air civilian passenger flight from Tehran to Dubai that was shot down by the […]

Cycles of War – Momentum Starts to Escalate Nov.

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your forecasts for the cycle of war is truly amazing. Everything has sparked around the world from China and Japan to the Middle East and Russia v USA. This is some sort of worldwide contagion. You said it starts to really accelerate come November. Is this when it all just goes nuts? […]

Snowden & Dropbox

Edward Snowden’s war against the usurpation of all privacy continues. In an interview by the Guardian on the subject of file storage, he warns the Dropbox, the cloud storage firm with over 200 million users, is “hostile to privacy,” and urged people to switch to what he calls more-secure storage of SpiderOak. Dropbox has added […]

Australia First to Stop Global Warming Taxes

Australia is the first country to reverse this propaganda Global Warming Tax in the world. The data have been manipulated all to justify new taxes and a herd of new bureaucrats to collect and audit such taxes. This has been the greatest propaganda and the scientists who have been on board are doing so ONLY […]

Russia Threatens to “collapse of the U.S. financial system”

Russia responded to the threat of sanctions the United States. The sanctions against Russia would also lead to the “collapse of the U.S. financial system” and end the dominance of the U.S. in global financial markets. Russia could continue to carry out its international transactions in other currencies and refrain entirely on the dollar. While […]

Is there a Revolution Brewing over Taxes? OECD Says Yes!

This idea that we live in a world where government cares about us is just the biggest propaganda ever. Everyone one will only pursue their own self-interest. The OECD has interesting come out and warned that if governments are unable to stop the transfer of wealth to a small financial elite, the displeasure of the dispossessed […]

Huge Fines on Banks Moving Capital

All of these huge fines that have exceeded $250 BILLION have the big capital very worried and starting to scramble with respect how to protect their assets. The whole craziness of the banking fines is that there is no limit. It is not like if you go through a red light the fine is $250. […]

Return of the Typewriter – Thanks to the NSA

The Obama Administration is literally tearing the world apart. The support of the NSA has been the most devastating aspect that threatens the fall of the United States in the long-term precisely as the Athenian Empire collapsed. It was the arrogance of Athens toward its allies that turned it into the most hated political entity […]