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Killing the Dollar

The recent attempts by the USA to impose huge fines on foreign banks for violating US sanctions with Iran based solely on transactions in dollars is having the same impact as FATCA. The US Justice banking penalties are becoming a threat to the dollar being used in such transactions. While this is unlikely to cause […]

The Age of Censorship

Mainstream media has become a joke. They will not report anything the government tells them not to. Snowden had to go to the Guardian in London because if he walked into any major news agency in the USA, they would have first called the NSA. They all they report only because the Guardian broke the […]

Real Estate – The Global View

The US real estate market remains very diverse. The high end has been bought by Europeans and Chinese trying to get off the grid. The Chinese have been the biggest buyers as far as ticket price is concerned by the Canadian have been buying the largest amount of property in the USA and with the […]

Rising Civil Unrest From Government Workers

The British government has just invested in water cannons because they are fearing the rising tide of civil unrest as austerity is forcing the reduction of state workers and their pensions. I have been warning that unemployment will rise, but this time it is going to flow more so from the state and municipal workers. […]

Understanding Everything is Connected

COMMENT: Marty; I attended that Vancouver Conference. I found my notes and everything you said unfolded and now even the electronic currency you warned us was on their wish list back then. You are the only person who ties the world together. You have shown us the light in how to analyze the future. I […]

Understanding the Extremes on Both Sides

To make this perfectly clear, extreme views on the left or the right end up meeting in the same back parking lot where they agree the people are the great unwashed and are too stupid to see they need to be manipulated and controlled. In Europe, so-called democratically elected representative lie their ass off to […]

Obamacare May Seriously Impact 2016

The real stupidity about the Democrats is their ignorance of just how screwed up Obamacare really is. Next year, the real cost impact will start to exploded and the issue is not how many people they get to sign up, but how much the cost is rising for everyone else. Even in unions we are […]

German Municipals In Trouble

Part of our job is monitoring everything everywhere. We are gathering data om whatever moves on a global basis. I have stated numerous times, it is IMPOSSIBLE to forecast a single market in isolation because the wildcard comes from contagions set in motion elsewhere. It is like sunning on the beach and there is a […]

French Industry Calls for Massive Devaluation of the Euro

Head of Airbus in France calls on the ECB to lower the rate of the euro by massive money printing to $ 1.20. Like other states, he is calling effectively for a devaluation of the Euro to make European goods competitive in world markets. The Eurozone use currency as a weapon. The Airbus Group would benefit from […]

European High Court Rules Against Google

Following the ECJ judgment EU citizens may apply for the cancellation of search listings on Google. The verdict triggered a veritable wave of fire fighting applications. Google has received more than 70,000 requests for deletion of their search files, including about 12,000 applications from Germany alone. Overall, it comes to the removal of more than […]