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Mints of Alexander the Great

(Partial Listing) (* number of mint marks) Amphipolis, Macedonia (5) Arado, Phoenicia Babylon, Babylonia (3) Byblos, Phoenicia, Colophon, Ionia Corinth, Greece Damascus, Syria Lampsacus, Mysia (2) Magnesia, Ionia Memphis, Egypt Miletus. Ionia (3) Rhodes Sardis, Ionia Side, Pamphylia Tarsos, Cilicia (2) Temno, Aiolis Pella, Macedonia Odessos, Thrace

Roman Coinage Mint Marks

Roman Mintmarks By Mint Mint Dates of Operation Mintmarks Alexandria, Egypt 294 – 421 and 457 – 474 A.D. AL, ALE, ALEX, SMAL (Notes: Issued currency for the province before becoming a regular imperial mint. Reopened by the Byzantines 525 -646 A.D.) Ambianum (Amiens, France) 350 – 353 A.D. AMB, AMBI Antioch/Antiochia (Antakiyah, Syria) 217 […]

No Economic Decline in Washington – EVER

  Housing in Washington never collapsed because it is supported by your tax dollars. Good or bad, the money flows to Washington. The very same hotel chain charges $200 in Philadelphia, $300 in New York City and $400 in Washington. It ain’t for the tourist. It’s for the sea of lobbyists. Since 2001, the president has […]

Preparing for War

The propaganda machine is in full force. Everything is used for political purposes regardless of the truth. Within mere days after the crash of a Malaysian Airlines flight over eastern Ukraine, US politicians and the government media joined together to spin the story that it was Russia who shot down the plane or their Russian supported […]

A Market Recap

  The Markets are being bombarded from every direction fundamentally. The confusion is rising and so will the volatility. The euro is gradually declining, the stock market keeps holding, gold really cannot get out of its own way, and the 10 year rates remain low even in Germany. Capital is confused every which way from […]

Israeli & Hamas

The War Cycle has been amazingly spot on. Even those who were skeptics are sending in emails asking what is going to happen now. War is brewing both civilly and internationally and in every area around the globe. The Middle East is brewing as well with the FAA imposing a 24-hour ban on US flights […]

Etruscan Coinage

The origin of Etruscan bronze coinage is curious and interesting. The Etruscans were very low to adopt coinage and hence the real use of a medium of exchange in central Italy remained crude lumps of bronze known as the pre-coinage aes rude ingots, or lumps and ramo secco and plain bronze bars. This formed the […]

The Energy Hidden Agenda?

We are getting info from reliable sources that there may be another layer to the USA v Russian conflict. Just as the entire Syrian agenda was to arm terrorists to topple the Syrian government in order to push through a pipeline to cut off the energy monopoly in Europe held by Russia, we may be […]

Global Warming Crowd Now Argue It is Cycles That Mask the Warming Trend?

  The Global Warming crowd is now desperately trying to counter-act the data that says they are quite frankly about as credible as the old Y2K crowd back in 2000. The data have clearly shown that they have lied, manipulated, and outright carried out a major fraud upon society. They argue that man has altered […]

Snowden Advocates Anti-NSA Technology

Edward Snowden addressed the hacking conference in NYC known as HOPE (Hackers On Planet Earth) to focus development of easy-to-use technologies to subvert government surveillance programs around the globe. He is advocating technology that would allow people to communicate anonymously and encrypt their messages. You can bet the NSA would love to have him assassinated […]