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Obama Worst President since 1945

The polls on Obama are being talked about around the world. There probably has not been a president so disliked globally as Obama. His defense of the NSA has destroyed his image outside the USA. He seems to be just considered as a liar and a sneak. I personally encounter more negativism about Obama than […]

The 6th Wave – Shift Pubic to Private

The battle between opposite forces exists in everything. This is the classic left v right within every society. This manifests in where does the confidence of the people reside for the majority – within government or the private sector. We are in a 309.6 year Public Wave that ends in 2032.95. This force actually oscillates […]

The Future

Feel of Europe

Well my quick European tours is over and as the old song went, Back in the USA. (Yes I took that Picture). London was booming like I have never seen it before. Everything was very beaming and the hotels were packed. And as for hotels, the same comparable rooms in the same chain seem to be […]

Getting Off the Grid – Cars as Well

COMMENT: Dear Martin, Some anecdotal evidence of money moving “off grid” in the UK. I like to take good care of my car, detailing it etc. myself. I like to check in to a detailing website called ‘Detailing World’ where many pros post up their jobs on classic, high-end, sports cars. Quite a number of […]

Sovereign Debt Crisis Alive & Well In Canada – Ontario is one of the largest debts in the world among sub-sovereign governments

Those that have been yelling about hyperinflation complete ignore the fact that there are 3 major levels of government Federal-State/Province-Municipal/City and the latter two cannot print money. All three levels simply consume and debt has been the major crisis for centuries. Back in 1514, in the Stutgart/Tubingen area, the lord owed about a million gold […]

Then & Now – Always the Same

We are at the 1927 Phase of events that is important to understand. There has historically always been a difference in economics trends between Europe and America. This became self-evident back in 1720 that was the Mississippi and South Sea Bubbles. One of the earliest forecasts that our computer made back in 1980 was that […]

When Will the Monetary System Crack?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong: Thank you so much for coming in front of the curtain. Your views are absolutely enlightening. You provide colour to events from experience and I have sat in meetings at the …….. bank shocked at the lack of understanding that emerges from the board of directors. You are correct. They are the […]

Gold & the Future

QUESTION: Marty; Great call on the gold again. The June low was spot on. At the Conference you warned we could still make another pass at the lows in dollars in 2015 but this would be a delicate ballet between the varied trends in currencies. Do you still see this as a possibility? Best regards; […]

Confusing Share Market

In the short-term, we still have the risk of a modest correction. There is typically the false move before the breakout. There is little question that there has been low volume over the past couple of years with light on up days and higher volume on down days.  This has been the constant attempts to […]