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Argentina Fights Back

The default in Argentina, as with everything, has two-sides to each crisis. Argentina has been placing advertisements in the US Wall Street Journal and overseas in the leading newspapers of Europe with the headline – “ARGENTINA WANTS TO CONTINUE PAYING ITS DEBTS BUT THEY WON’T LET IT”. This brings up an interesting question with the […]

Capital Has Always Invested on Net Return for Millennia

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I think the light just went on. You said that capital invests on a net return basis. This makes sense. If I can make €100 on €100 per year who would not invest. If they tax those gains 80 per cent as Piketty argues, then I have only  €20. If I invest in […]

Fed’s Exit Tax on Bonds – Confirms Liquidity Crisis

The greatest threat we have to the financial stability of the entire global economy is the collapse in liquidity. Governments cannot understand that their desperate need for money that has unleashed the worldwide hunt (or shakedown) is producing the greatest collapse in liquidity on a global scale perhaps in modern history. Even just recently, the […]

Bank Runs in Bulgaria

The financial system is simply imploding because those running the affairs of government are more concerned about retaining power than providing economic stability. There are people who are so polarized on each side of many issues from hyperinflation, global elites, socialists hating the rich, communists who see capitalism as evil, and politicians who blame tax avoiders. […]

Will Society Ever Wake Up?

QUESTION: Does society ever wake up? Are there any such examples from history? Thanks DG ANSWER: Of course. If society did not wake up now and then, the outcome would always be the same – a dark age. The late 1700s was a revolution against monarchy – i.e. American Revolution. Then there was the overthrow […]

Why The European Banking System is Doomed

QUESTION: Hi Martin You said, that the creation of the Euro was the second worst act. “That undermined the entire European banking system and has led to a serious undermining of the entire global economy.” How has this undermined the entire European banking system. Could you explain this? Thanks so much! Regards WI ANSWER: The problem […]

Gold & The Private Wave

QUESTION: Hi Martin Given the cycle work that you do, it appears that Gold had a 12 year Bull Market Cycle from 1968 to 1980 followed by a 19 year (one metonic cycle) bear market, followed by a 12 year Bull Market from 1999 to 2011. Does that mean we have entered another 19 year Bear […]

US & UK Central Banks Look to Rates Rising in Autumn

  Part of the real financial crisis from the central bank perspective is that they have been trapped by the excessively low-interest rates that in reality has disarmed them from even trying to steer the economy. The bid on long-term rates has been strong over the last decade thanks to retirement plans. People have been […]

Gold & Seasons?

QUESTION:  Martin, In your June 23rd post, you stated: “The [June] bounce is really seasonal, yet it is being explained as everything but.” What Does this mean? There is a season to gold? ANSWER: Yes. May/June often produces the low in gold. That is what we were saying a June low with a bounce. The […]

Sunni-Shiite Civil War

QUESTION: Marty; Your model correctly forecast the birth of the Arab Spring in 2010 that was 31.4 years from the Shiite Revolution in Iran back in 1979. You also said that the subsequent 8.6 to 13 years would bring rising civil unrest that would emerge into civil war when the War Cycle turned up in […]