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Attorney Michael Avenatti ARRESTED for alleged Domestic Violence

Attorney Michael Avenatti, who became famous for representing Stormy Daniels in her defamation lawsuit against President Donald Trump, and has brought other women to testify in the Supreme Court hearings, was arrested for suspected domestic violence on Wednesday, according to the Los Angeles Police Department. The police have confirmed the arrest but state it is […]

NASA Now Says They See a Cooling Trend – Not Warming

“We see a cooling trend,” Martin Mlynczak of NASA’s Langley Research Center said in late September. “High above Earth’s surface, near the edge of space, our atmosphere is losing heat energy. If current trends continue, it could soon set a Space Age record for cold.” … …. Ron Turner a Senior Science Advisor to NASA’s Innovative […]

You Cannot Understand Global Warming without understanding the Second Law of Thermodynamics

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I came across this guy Richard Lindzen and it struck me he was asking people the same question about the Second Law of Thermodynamics. He concluded that very few people who appear to be scientists or educated can even answer the question but still profound to be experts on Global Warming. It is […]

The Rise of Nationalism

Part of the War Cycle we have been warning about since it turned upward in 2014, is not merely international tensions between nation-states.  This particular uptick is the convergence of two cycle – (1) the international tension, and (2) the civil unrest. I previous warned that because the civil unrest would turn up, this should […]

Hillary to Run Again in 2020

Yes, the rumors are True. Hillary is indeed planning on running again in 2020. She will throw her Pants-Suit into the ring. I have been hearing that for months now from several sources. It has now even appeared in the Hill publication. Hillary is a diehard ’60s women’s libber and she actually believes it is […]

Poland to Break with EU by 2020?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; When you were here last giving lectures in Poland, you said that we should leave the EU, retain our currency, and focus on our ties to the United States and Asia. You said if we did that, Poland would be one of the most imp[ortant economies in Europe. Have you updated that […]

Goldman Sachs – Preparing for Waterfall Event?

The rumor mill has been hot concerning Malaysia and Goldman Sachs for the past two years. As it was turning into a criminal investigation Lyod Blankfein coincidently decided to step down at age 63. That was announced last March when he said he would step down by the end of the year. Then in July, Blankfein […]

China’s First AI TV Anchor

China has scored a real first and it may be an answer to the FAKE NEWS problem in the United States and Europe. A TV anchor has joined a Chinese news agency who is not human. China’s state-run Xinhua News Agency has launched an artificial intelligence (AI), anchor. “English AI Anchor” debuted Thursday at the World […]

The Realist View of the Midterms

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your take on the midterm elections is that the Democrats really failed and simply won a symbolic victory? Thank you IE ANSWER: Yes. The Democrats keep making lower highs and deeper lows. They do not review the major trend nor are they willing to revise their central theme.  While the Democrats won the majority […]

SPD Puts forth Its Manifesto to Federalize Europe

In Germany, the SPD is now pushing for a revolution in Europe for all member states to surrender their sovereignty to Brussels. They are arguing to federalize Europe and thereby create an integrated Europe of one government. It was the SPD that really won in the German 1918 Revolution. Under Weimar, the SPD was able […]