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Market Talk – May 20, 2020

ASIA: China has expressed its “strong indignation” after the US secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, sent a message hailing the re-elected Taiwanese president’s “courage and vision” to be read at her inauguration ceremony. China’s foreign ministry said Pompeo’s act had severely damaged peace and stability in the strait between Taiwan and China. It warned it […]

Does the French Revolution Provide the Script for This Virus Coup

COMMENT: Marty, Like you, I’m also a student of history. One clear parallel I’m now beginning to see if the close link between the Democratic Party(Jacobins) and the CDC-WHO-Medical Science community looking to target the center-right(Gironde-royalist bloc) repeating the escalating battle that consumer France starting in 1789. You know the story well. Foreign threats of […]

Huge Protests in Germany Against Government’s Lockdowns

The German Press is starting to wake up at last after a period of just saying Yes mam! They have run the story that if we acted rationally, we could quickly overcome the consequences of the corona crisis. But politics is deliberately spreading panic among the population and stirring up fear – and in this […]

Pelosi Passes $3 Trillion Bill Dividing Even Democrats Just for Politics

Nancy Pelosi, who represents California rather than the nation, is about as unfit to be a leader of any party in Congress. She has pushed through her House Democrat Bill calling for $3 trillion in coronavirus spending bill Friday night, despite pushback from liberals and moderates within their ranks as well from Republicans. She knows […]

Market Talk – May 15, 2020

ASIA: Chinese industry rebounded in April from record falls, but the country’s economic recovery remains fragile after the latest threat from US President Donald Trump strained relations further. Industrial production rose 3.9% year-on-year in April after collapsing 13.5% during the January-February period, the National Bureau of Statistics said on Friday. Taiwan has sought India’s support […]

Full-Blown Propaganda Now From Press

COMMENT: Yes, MSM is hyping and misleading the public on the risks of re-opening the economy. Their news (rather panic-porn) implied that countries had to shut down nation-wide again after reopening the economy because of infections resurgence. That is not the case in South Korea and China. In China, certainly there are some small clusters […]

It’s Time to Investigate Journalists for Inside Trading

  The Washington Post is hellbent on trying to undermine the US economy solely for politics. The death rate is really less than 1%. I just went to the doctor and they told me personally that this entire virus scare is nonsense. The Washington Post is now trying to highlight that if just one person […]

Obama Legacy Unraveling – Worse than Watergate

Richard Nixon had to resign over the famous scandal of the June 17, 1972 failed break-in of the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Washington, D.C. Watergate Office Building. After the five perpetrators were arrested, the press and the U.S. Justice Department connected the cash found on them at the time to the Nixon re-election […]

The Fauci Lie – He Continues to Support Covertly Bill Gates & Should be Criminally Investigated – NOW!

There is nobody who deserves to be thrown in prison more than Anthony Fauci. He survives ONLY because the left wing press and Democrats will continue to support him as long as he keeps undermining Trump every chance he gets. There are plenty of specialists who are screaming that this guy is a fraud. The […]

Market Talk – May 14, 2020

  ASIA: Market disruptions triggered by the coronavirus crisis have sent more capital into Chinese stocks and some strategists see this as part of a longer-term trend. Todd Willits, head of flow tracking firm EPFR, said in an interview that allocations to China are something people are looking to increase. As US stocks plunged to […]