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Obamacare May Seriously Impact 2016

The real stupidity about the Democrats is their ignorance of just how screwed up Obamacare really is. Next year, the real cost impact will start to exploded and the issue is not how many people they get to sign up, but how much the cost is rising for everyone else. Even in unions we are […]

German Municipals In Trouble

Part of our job is monitoring everything everywhere. We are gathering data om whatever moves on a global basis. I have stated numerous times, it is IMPOSSIBLE to forecast a single market in isolation because the wildcard comes from contagions set in motion elsewhere. It is like sunning on the beach and there is a […]

French Industry Calls for Massive Devaluation of the Euro

Head of Airbus in France calls on the ECB to lower the rate of the euro by massive money printing to $ 1.20. Like other states, he is calling effectively for a devaluation of the Euro to make European goods competitive in world markets. The Eurozone use currency as a weapon. The Airbus Group would benefit from […]

European High Court Rules Against Google

Following the ECJ judgment EU citizens may apply for the cancellation of search listings on Google. The verdict triggered a veritable wave of fire fighting applications. Google has received more than 70,000 requests for deletion of their search files, including about 12,000 applications from Germany alone. Overall, it comes to the removal of more than […]

Crude Oil & The Future

The USA is amazingly going to produce more oil that Saudi Arabia and Russia making it the largest producer in the world according to all the data so far with just Four years into the shale revolution.When that happens and by how much, is still debatable. The estimates that depend on uncertain factors ranging from progress […]

Banksters More Fines – European Bail-ins Coming to Canada

Citigroup Inc is reported to be close to paying about $7 billion in fines to resolve a U.S. probe into whether it defrauded investors on billions of dollars worth of mortgage securities in the run-up to the financial crisis, reported News Daily. The USA has discovered a cash-cow and the banks have paid now over […]

1999 World Economic Conference Vancouver

  We have obtained a copy of our 1999 World Economic Conference that was held in Vancouver. We placed the introductory on YouTube. What is interesting is back in 1999, we were warning that the government wish list was to move toward an Electronic Currency. This has been the dream of governments to collect taxes. […]

US Share Market – A Glimpse into the Weeks Ahead

The US Share Market has confused many and those who swear we are headed into a 1929 crash just cannot comprehend this is a global economy. We have to be concerned about July for there is the potential for a July high with a low in Oct/Nov. The volatility will begin to rise come September […]

Communism/Socialism v Capitalism/Democracy

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; This battle between socialism and capitalism, is there any precedent from history that you can site for this clash of Titans? Thanks; DP ANSWER: Oh yes. Marx was convinced about communism from the French who began the commune movement in the late 1700s with the French Revolution. However, Marx did research and […]

Global Warming – Fraud to Raise Taxes?

More and more info is starting to surface how they have been “adjusting” this data on global warming to service political agendas. Those in government could care less about such things. But hey, if they can use it to create “carbon” taxes, hell – count they in. This is the real problem with global warming. […]