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Then & Now – Always the Same

We are at the 1927 Phase of events that is important to understand. There has historically always been a difference in economics trends between Europe and America. This became self-evident back in 1720 that was the Mississippi and South Sea Bubbles. One of the earliest forecasts that our computer made back in 1980 was that […]

When Will the Monetary System Crack?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong: Thank you so much for coming in front of the curtain. Your views are absolutely enlightening. You provide colour to events from experience and I have sat in meetings at the …….. bank shocked at the lack of understanding that emerges from the board of directors. You are correct. They are the […]

Gold & the Future

QUESTION: Marty; Great call on the gold again. The June low was spot on. At the Conference you warned we could still make another pass at the lows in dollars in 2015 but this would be a delicate ballet between the varied trends in currencies. Do you still see this as a possibility? Best regards; […]

Confusing Share Market

In the short-term, we still have the risk of a modest correction. There is typically the false move before the breakout. There is little question that there has been low volume over the past couple of years with light on up days and higher volume on down days.  This has been the constant attempts to […]

Fed’s Exit Tax – IMF Proposal Extend Debt Maturity Unilaterally

Things are starting to get chaotic. It is very interesting that the Fed is concerned about liquidity in the world’s most liquid market. This dovetails into the IMF proposal. While the IMF is suggesting that government simply extend maturity of government debt unilaterally to prevent liquidation, the Fed is taking another approach and is looking at […]

Japan Free at Last to Wage War

Abe clears the way for Japan to now engage in war by reinterpreting the constitution rather than altering it. The War Cycle is just amazing how it just takes time and economics to turns and everything is suddenly undone.

The Press Keep Talking The Market Down – Historically this is Very Bullish Indeed

I have warned about how the press had constantly written negatively about the rising stock market during the 1920s.  Once again, the press are now hanging on the hope that the Fed will start to raise rates to justify their bearish bias swearing the market cannot be justified at these highs. However, I have shown […]

What do you Want for Free?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Why shouldn’t the rich pay more taxes? You defend the billionaires at the expense of the average person. How do you justify that? ANSWER: There are not enough billionaires to pay the bill for everyone else. Job growth since 1948 in government reached 310% in 2009 compared to 170% in non-farm private […]

Christine Lagarde – The Most Dangerous Woman in the World – IMF Advocates Taking Pensions & Extending Maturities of Gov’t Debt to Prevent Redemption

I have gone on record that the most dangerous organization is the now French led IMF with Christine Lagarde at the helm, which has presented a concept report that debt cuts for over-indebted states are uncompromising and are to be performed more effectively in the future by defaulting on retirement accounts held in life insurance, mutual […]

Collapse of Democracy in Europe

  Merkel Congratulates her boy – Jean-Claude Juncker In an unbelievable move, in an open letter to the next President of the EU Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, the national MPs have called for a bigger say in EU legislation. The letter is warned that “there are indications that in the EU fades the democratic legitimacy”. Indeed, the EU Commission […]