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Euro Under Pressure

The Euro is caving in after the elections. Those in the money know this is doomed. This will help to give a bid temporarily to gold and the dollar. For as people have been pitching that the dollar will decline and gold will rise is purely a domestic view point. The international view point is […]

Invasion of Children

The Department of Homeland Security dealing with more than 48,000 unaccompanied children crossing the border into Texas has created a real controversy. Aside from the humanitarian issues, we must consider what is causing this issue. That centers on immigration reform and the idea of giving amnesty to children. Quite frankly, if I was Mexican, I would […]

Swedish Real Estate Bubble – Peaking 2015?

The IMF warns against financial problems in the Swedish economy. The government needs to urgently curb private debt home buying warns the IMF. If the property prices fall, Sweden threaten economic turmoil. The recent data indicate that household debt ratios are high across all income groups. However, indebtedness among the lower-income households are generally more vulnerable to […]

Is Corruption Inherent in Any Organization?

The FIFA World Cup Organization is starting to get exposed for what it is – a corrupt little inside network in Zurich. The world’s governing body for soccer inhabits the land of caviar and stretch limousines as a tax-free pretend a non-profit organization that is all about profit. The Zurich-based group stands to rake in […]

Brain-Dead Foreign Policy – Destabilizing the Middle East – Feeding the War Cycle

The War Cycle is doing what it was intended to do. I have warned that this is going to be much worse that the previous cycles building in intensity and broadening to a global perspective. It appears that the economic decline and abuse of government has led to massive tension and this will be manifest […]

French say 60% of National Debt is Illegal – Default Anyone?

I have been warning that there will be no solution without a massive debt default. This is simply the way it has historically always gone down. Public debt, which is strangely considered quality, has been actually the worst that can possibly exist. Simply stated, no government has ever paid its debt except the single exception […]

George Osborne vows to Charge Banks & Traders Criminally For Manipulations

Chancellor George Osborne in Britain said he is going to announce a crack down on banks and traders. The jig is up as they say.turned. These measures are reported to include making the manipulation of the foreign currency markets by banks a criminal offence. In his annual Mansion House speech, Mr Osborne will pledge the extension […]

Conversation Glen Downs & Martin Armstrong on Republican Upset

  The Republican Internal Revolution

Islamic Militant Take Tikirt

In Turkey,  the government has called for an emergency meeting of NATO to discuss the security crisis that is brewing in Iraq. Islamic militants took 80 Turkish citizens hostage during an advance overrunning the city of Tikrit. They have shut down Iraq’s biggest oil refinery. The result of the US invasion of Iraq may have […]

Tea Party Defeats Cantor

The House Majority Republican Leader Eric Cantor of Virginia, a 7-term Congressman, lost to a Tea Party challenger on Tuesday even after spending $5 million to try to bullshit the people. Despite the celebration on the Democratic side assuming this is really a victory for them, the true message remains this is a blow to politics […]