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Hunt for Money & TiSA Negotiations Leaked by WikiLeaks

Leaked WikiLeaks documents reveal the Abbott government in Australia is moving with the EU and the USA in a secret trade negotiation that is aimed at bringing about radical deregulation of international banking and finance sector. While this Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) negotiations, reported by The Age, show Australian trade negotiators are working on a […]

Electronic Money starting in London

In London, buses will start in July accepting cards only – no more cash. Currency Exchanges are now offering cards instead of cash that they market as being safer in travel.  In Manchester, all the shops on Chorlton Street will no longer accept cash – only cards. This is a test to see if society […]

Sovereign Debt Crisis Beginning

Argentina has bluntly stated it cannot make the next bond payment. The exist fees being attacked to long-bond funds is also the realization that our models are spot on. I am off to urgent meetings in Europe. All I can say is our phone has been red-hot. Equities are rapidly becoming the new international gold […]

Canada – the Sneak Preview

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong – The Liberal majority was no surprise – they are still the best political machine in the province.  They promise no deficit in 2 years – well that’s smack in the middle of  2016, so good luck with that.   What worried me was the militant advertisements by the Ontario Provincial Police […]

Google – The New Bank – Rollover BitCoin & Banks – Its the Internet Revolution

The real birth in electronic money is not Bitcoin, but Google Wallet. Standing in line at Starbucks you will see the under 25 crowd pay with their cell phones. Sorry, but Google is already there. Bitcoin cannot compete nor will traditional banks. Just as Amazon reduced book publishers to a subservient role at their direction, […]

EU Commission Destroying Everything it can Touch – The Reverse Midas Touch

Ireland’s Finance Minister Michael Noonan has been desperately trying to meet the strict brain-dead requirements of the troika of the European Commission. These are lawyers who are trying to firm up their own jobs by thinking to maintain confidence in the Euro, they have to embrace austerity. The ECB President Draghi is so out of […]

Bank of England to Raise Rates – Not Lower

The head of the Bank of England, Mark Carney delivered a speech at the “Lord Mayor’s Banquet” in London’s financial district with the surprise announcement of an interest rate reversal. United Kingdom This is a departure from the policy of the ECB. Primarily, the British economy was saved by staying out of the Euro. The significant […]

Public v Private

QUESTION: Hello Martin Could you please explain the difference between the 8.6 year peaks in the ECM cycle within the public or private wave and the 8.6 year peak at exactly the stage that it switches to the public from private wave and visa versa. Is the difference monumental or a subtle difference. Cheers R ANSWER: […]

The Debt Bubble & Big Money

The trends in global debt are interesting to say the least. There are major shifts in debt that people are not really paying attention to. Chinese companies actually borrow more than their American counterparts topping $14 trillion in corporate-debt markets. Then there is the shift in public funds that present an interesting situation for the current […]

At Last – A Beneficial Use for Obamacare

Former F1 driver Michael Schumacher is no longer in a coma and has been released from the hospital. He suffered a brain injury in a skiing accident. Perhaps his medical treatment can be used in Washington under Obamacare. He was put into a coma by the doctors to reduce the risk of brain swelling. Just think how […]