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Goldman Beats Lawsuit – Judge Says It was Buyer’s Fault

As if we did not see this one coming. Goldman Sachs, the untouchable firm, won dismissal of a suit over $450 million in residential mortgage-backed securities. The New York judge amazingly shifted the entire burden of responsibility in fraud to the buyer. It was not Goldman Sachs’ fault, the judge said that the firms that […]

The Flip-Side to NSA – They Have Everyone’s Files – Even Former IRS official Lois Lerner

Former IRS official Lois Lerner invoked her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination at a congressional hearing in March, something courts have done away with in the corporate world saying that applies to individuals, not corporations. How working for government is not also an artificial entity rather than a person is beyond me. She should have no such […]

While the Talking Heads Keep Talking Bearish & Crash – Central Banks Buy Equities – The Shift From Public to Private

I previously reported that our sources were reporting that central banks were starting to buy shares to diversify their reserves. All of our sources in Asia and Europe have been reporting this trend. So while the talking heads keep preaching the crash and sell equities, the retail market may not be buying this market yet […]

US is now Funding Studies on Civil Unrest

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your work on the cycles of war has been duly noted in government. Governments are starting to take notice and have begun to fund studies of protest groups. Even the Guardian is reporting this trend. In the United States it is called the “Minerva Research Initiative,” and it has been around since […]

Austria starts the Default Once Again?

Austria has just cancelled the sovereign guarantee of one of its states -Kärnten- on the outstanding Hypo Alpe Aria Bank debt. The “Minister of Justice” Wolfgang Brandstetter said to the Press: “One could have never believed in the sovereign guarantee…Every bigger investor should have known that a 25 bn € guarantee taken by an annual state […]

Comment from Ontario

COMMENT:  Mr. Armstrong Your statements about having to crash and burn were borne out by the recent election in Ontario Canada where the Liberals, admittedly one of the most corrupt governments in Canada, having doubled the deficit in about 11 years, were handed a majority government because they promised the moon to everyone, including no […]

Migration – Discrimination – Language

COMMENT Dear Mr. Armstrong, I wanted to comment on your article, but WordPress will not let me log in, so I thought I’d write an email. I respectfully disagree with your ideas in this article. Come live in Southern California. These people are coming for the free $$$$: Food, housing, SNAP, WIC, etc., etc., etc. […]

The Hunt for Money

COMMENT: Hi Martin; thank you very much for your informative blog, i started reading at the beginning of the year and it’s the only one I make sure never to miss a single post. You are the first person I recall mentioning that $3,000 transactions are being kept an eye on. Here is another strange case. […]

Spain Collapsed from the Richest Nation to Among the Poorest With the Help of Debt Not Hyperinflation

QUESTION: Am I correct in saying that Spain collapsed because of debt and not hyperinflation? Thanks; SD ANSWER: YES! The history of Spain is a classic example of economic and fiscal mismanagement. Christopher Columbus was the greatest example of a politician today. He embarked upon a journey not actually knowing where he was going, and […]

Consumption Tax – Will It Ever Return?

COMMENT: Dear Martin, One of the knocks against a consumption tax has always been its potential effect on the deficit. It seems that argument is now irrelevant in the age of QE. This is the perfect time to move to a consumption tax (esp. w/ IRS scandal) GB REPLY: We did a lot of research into […]