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George Osborne vows to Charge Banks & Traders Criminally For Manipulations

Chancellor George Osborne in Britain said he is going to announce a crack down on banks and traders. The jig is up as they say.turned. These measures are reported to include making the manipulation of the foreign currency markets by banks a criminal offence. In his annual Mansion House speech, Mr Osborne will pledge the extension […]

Conversation Glen Downs & Martin Armstrong on Republican Upset

  The Republican Internal Revolution

Islamic Militant Take Tikirt

In Turkey,  the government has called for an emergency meeting of NATO to discuss the security crisis that is brewing in Iraq. Islamic militants took 80 Turkish citizens hostage during an advance overrunning the city of Tikrit. They have shut down Iraq’s biggest oil refinery. The result of the US invasion of Iraq may have […]

Tea Party Defeats Cantor

The House Majority Republican Leader Eric Cantor of Virginia, a 7-term Congressman, lost to a Tea Party challenger on Tuesday even after spending $5 million to try to bullshit the people. Despite the celebration on the Democratic side assuming this is really a victory for them, the true message remains this is a blow to politics […]

Its Taxation & Deflation

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Thank you so much for taking the time to explain what is often complex subjects in a common sense manner. You seem to be more concerned about deflation than inflation and I can see how this obsession with raising taxes is very deflationary. My family’s healthcare costs have more than doubled under […]

Political Corruption – China Fires 900 Bureaucrats

  Behind the fall of Communism are some very interesting trends that are not understood very well in the West. The stark difference between Russia and China was the attitude toward the people. In Russia, Stalin was paranoid about what was in people’s minds. In China, it was the tall poppy syndrome – as long […]

2016 – The Year From Hell

  While the ultimate socialist has her eyes on 2016, so does our model. We have been projecting this target not only for the potential rise in Third Party votes, the Sovereign Debt Big Bang, but the turning point in pensions as well. Social Security is negative true, but what will also turn negative is […]

So Smart – They Always Get it Wrong

QUESTION: Marty; Virtually every so-called analyst on TV has missed the US stock rally. When they asked … how does it feel that he missed the rally, he said he didn’t miss it because he was in a foreign market not US. Then he said once the Fed cuts off all of its QE stimulus the […]

Numerous False Terrorist Charges & Torture to Extract Confessions

Judge Rakoff is a lone warrior – perhaps the only man standing in the New York court system. There are other judges who are not entirely corrupt, but fear ruling against government. Judge Rakoff also handled the case of the purported terrorist who confessed according to prosecutors  Mr. Abdallah Higazy, an Egyptian graduate student, was […]

Inside Source at Guantanamo

COMMENT: Martin:I am writing to confirm what you said about Guantanamo.  Please do not cite me by name, but I am the military officer who wrote you previously from his ….   Some of the soldiers I work with were previously stationed at Guantanamo and I spoke to them about the exchange:  They confirmed through their […]