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French Economy Slips Below Even Greece – Last Place in Europe Productivity

If anything proves that this idea of Socialism/Communism goes against human nature, all we have to do is look closely at France. The idea of Communism actually emerged during the French Revolution. It was an experiment known as the Parisian Commune of 1793. It was the next step in Republicanism where people came together and voted […]

King of Spain Abdicated – Protests Against Monarchy

The Spanish King Juan Carlos abdicates on national TV citing political reasons. In his televised speech, the monarch declared that he would make way for a new generation, and clear the way “to a better future”. He will be succeeded by Prince Felipe who has somewhat better public polls than his elephant hunting father. In January, two-thirds of Spaniards favored […]

EU Commission is Forced to Back-Off from Austerity

In response to the EU Elections, the EU Commission has realized that austerity is going to create massive civil unrest and dissatisfaction with the federalization of Europe. The EU Commission has terminated the sanctions against six EU countries due to excessive deficits. For example, Austria was forced to abandon the entire Maastricht criteria after Hypo […]

Getting off the Grid

A host of emails have come in on this subject from did non-Americans have assets seized by USA after 1934 to can real estate be used to the extreme won’t they just confiscate all traceable assets. If you are going to look at real estate to shelter assets, you should look at Texas and Florida. Typically, […]

Kennedy would have been Against Obama

  With Obama and McCain and Feinstein all in Agreement about National Security, it is time we do need a Third Party to act as the Second Just look into the eyes of Washington – this is where our demons hide

Getting off the Grid

QUESTION: Dear Marty, You mention getting off the grid – but with technology –  today – how is ownership of anything ‘getting off the grid’? If governments truly want to hunt down global wealth and tax it – how is owning a house in London or a farm in NZ going to help anyone – […]

I told You So

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I know you never solicit input but I must tell you that after reading your blog I have no desire to read any of the 12 other publications I used to read about politics and economics. I truly feel now that it is all BS when I read those. My question […]

Looks Like New Zealand was First to Restrict Travel for $5,000 in fines

COMMENT: Marty; The restrictions on travel for those with outstanding fines does not appear to be a new phenomenon.  See this 2006 article from New Zealand. RC

How Did Zimbabwe End its Hyperinflation? The Same as Japan

The Zimbabwean dollar (Z$) was the official currency of Zimbabwe from 1980 to April 12, 2009, with three periods of inflation. It began as the highest-valued currency units in the region when it was introduced in 1980 replacing the Rhodesian dollar at par. However, soon political turmoil unfolded and the CONFIDENCE in the government collapsed. This […]

Can Patterns Target Individuals?

QUESTION: hello, you wrote today: The degree of complexity in modeling even things like the cycles of war can be done right down to an individual. It is looking for patterns based upon your cycle work is Hillary Clinton likely to be the next president? regards., Ted ANSWER: Our models on politics do not target an […]