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Australians – Looking at Restriction on Travel

A reader from Australia sent this in from Victoria. Here we see that we are economic slaves. The government seeks to prevent travel if you owe anything. They should just take it all and call it a day. COMMENT: Hello Martin, I though that you might like this, it is an editorial from Saturday’s Herald […]

Definition of Hyperinflation

I have answered this question many times that the definition of hyperinflation as thrown around being 26% based upon accounting standards does NOT match the historical examples that will end society pointing to Germany. The USA had inflation at 20% into 1980 and we currently have asset inflation in the 26%+ area. A Phase Transition […]

NSA – The Next Shoe

I have been concerned about the NSA because this is getting very Orwellian. This is not about terrorism, it is about identifying anyone who would rise up against the government in the coming Civil Unrest storm. It has been reported that the biggest revelation about the NSA is yet to come. Here is the next […]

France Defending its Banks Against USA Global Dominance?

The US Department of Justice is off the hook. They are seeking to lay fines on any bank that violates its rules simply because the transaction took place in US dollars. This is one primary reason we will see a neutral reserve currency. The USA is violating international territorial jurisdiction claiming authority over transactions conducted […]

Thatcher & the Euro

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You were a key player in Britain and the euro. That is well-known in private circles here in the UK. You were friends with Thatcher’s personal economic advisor Sir Alan Walters. I believe John Major’s government called you in September 1992 when Major was forced to float the pound as Thatcher had […]

Windows 8 – NSA- Creatures of Patterns

COMMENT: Hi Martin, I’ve just read the following article and the facility to connect to your PC from another machine, using the remote desktop protocol has been in Microsoft Products since Windows 2000, there’s nothing controversial about it, that’s how the industry administer other servers or PC’s. I thought you might like an industry insider’s […]

JFK Conspiracy – Silver or Vietnam?

A number of emails have been asking about JFK’s Executive Order 11110 and somehow he was assassinated for removing the authority of the Federal Reserve to issue money and transfer that to the Treasury. Oh Boy! This really tops the list. While JFK was probably eliminated for not wanting to go to war in Vietnam […]

NBC’s Snowden Interview

NBC has published a reasonable interview with Edward Snowden. It is worth the time to watch. It provides a glimpse into what he is about and explains the data mining that people have no idea the revelations that can emerge. The degree of complexity in modeling even things like the cycles of war can be […]

Facing Arethusa Tetradram Brings 522% Advance

The Facing Arethusa Tetradram of Syracuse that sold for 440,000 CHF back in 1999 and was estimated at 1 million CHF, sold for 2.3 million. Given oil was $10 back then, the advance in antiquities has been over 500% still well behind US coins. We are still in the phase of capital trying to get off […]

Silver & Gold Coins

QUESTION: Why don’t you suggest silver coins as barter ? Thanks! ANSWER: I do. A few questions have come in about the “spreads” for collector coins. To make this point clear, stay away from collector coins for bullion. The common day $20 gold pieces are all you want – no MS65 nonsense. Just standard circulated $20 […]