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Goldman Sachs – Criminal Charges at Last?

The U.S. Justice Department’s charges against individuals related to the pillaging of the Malaysia investment fund known as 1MDB offers several new insights into the global, multibillion-dollar scandal. But there is something the press is overlooking. The senior Goldman Sachs banker in Asia who pleaded guilty to U.S. bribery and money laundering charges and his deputy […]

Spanish Prosecutor Demand 25 Years in Prison for Catalonia Politicians for Advocating Independence

The Spanish prosecutor wants to send the politicians of the Catalan independence movement to prison for 25 years. The prosecutor has demanded that the former Deputy Regional President Oriol Junqueras should effectively die in prison. The absurdity of what is going on in Spain reflects that there is no democracy still standing. Dictatorships always call treason […]

They now want to Reduce Dog & Cat Ownership to Stop Global Warming

Well, it was only a matter of time that when you read between the lines concerning pet population of dogs and cats, the solution is to REDUCE their numbers – which is really what they argue for behind the curtain concerning humans. I have written previously how they really want to starve humans to reduce […]

UN’s Global Compact for Safety, Orderly and Regular Migration

Austria and Hungary have now joined Trump in backing out the United Nations migration deal. The UN’s Global Compact for Safety, Orderly and Regular Migration, which is not actually legally binding on any country lacking jurisdiction or power in the UN over the entire world. This deal was finalized and it is widely seen as pro-migration and unrealistic. The […]

The New Documentary is now Online

This documentary is available for only $7.99.

Can Trump end Birthright Citizenship?

On this score, President Tump in his latest claim that he can end birthright citizenship with an executive order is WRONG. On this subject, he is correct that a child born in most countries does NOT make them a citizen of that country. In most cases, they are a citizen of a parent who is a […]

How Politicians Are Creating the Worst Economic Crash in History

Politicians have totally and completely misunderstood the trends within the global economy and as a result, they are actually creating one of the worst economic debacles in history. I have explained several times that the bulk of investment capital is tied up in two primary sectors – (1) government bonds and (2) real estate. Because […]

Anti-Fascist Turning Violent in Portland

The rising left Antifa movement is a conglomeration of left-wing autonomous, self-styled anti-fascist militant groups in the United States. The principal feature of Antifa groups is their use of direct action, harassing those whom they deem to be fascists, racists and right-wing extremists. They have actually become the very fascists and communists they pretend to object to. This is […]

Taxes – Worldwide v Residency

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I remember you mentioning US is the only country to tax worldwide income, it seems that China is moving to modify their IIT effective Oct 1, 2018, to include anyone staying in China for more than 183 days. Is this the same as the US? Can you comment/share with us your opinion? Thanks, […]

Climate Change – Warming is Good – Cold is Bad

QUESTION: Do you think that a pole shift will be devastating to society? SK ANSWER: No. I think many turn such events into a looming existential threat destined to destroy us. That is probably up there with the Yellowstone Supervolcano. These treasured theories of our impending doom seem to lurk in a myth that some event […]