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Pro-Palestinian Protests Permitted in Blue States

Pro-Palestinian protestors have been wreaking havoc in US cities for a cause they do not properly understand. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has proved to the nation that his idea of justice equates to demonizing and prosecuting his political opponents while turning an eye to real crimes committed in favor of left-leaning policies. After illegally […]

Does the SCOTUS Support Capital Gains Taxes?

The government believes it has unlimited power to tax the citizens of the United States. The idea of capital gains taxes on unrealized earnings will be an economic nuclear disaster. The Democrat-appointed Supreme Justices believe that Moore v. United States does not exceed Congress’s Constitutional authority to tax unrealized gains. America’s entire future is on […]

Swarthmore & the Green Tents Bought to Start Civil Unrest & Revolution?

COMMENT: I was on the Swarthmore campus this afternoon and couldn’t help but notice the same green tents as I’ve seen in some of the other Gaza protest pics. More evidence perhaps of a coordinated effort. CF REPLY: Columbia University is canceling its large university-wide commencement ceremony amid ongoing pro-Palestinian protests. This is a major […]

The US Canadian Border is Being Flooded with Illegals

Let me explain something: within a few hours of taking the White House, Biden’s VERY FIRST order was to open the borders. They are flooding the country with nearly 14 million illegal aliens, and that does not count the people who were not caught. I am getting emails from people who were waited on by […]

How Many More Days Will Biden Create for LGBTQ+?

The White House is claiming the Republicans are making too much out of naming March 31st Transgender Day. When you look at the list of all the days LGBTQ+ has already claimed, like Lesbian Visibility Day, the problem that surfaces is that they have so many days while groups like the Irish have but one […]

The US Border SLOWLY Becoming a Bipartisan Issue

The US border crisis is slowly, very slowly, becoming a bipartisan issue for the government. Blue cities and states have pleaded for help in recent months as crime rises and their budgets implode. Still, the majority of Democrats have not broken rank with their party regarding the border crisis. The House recently voted to implement […]

Murder and Rape Legal for Lawless Migrants

Laken Riley was a 22-year-old student on the Dean’s List at the Augusta University’s College of Nursing in Athens, Georgia, with a bright future ahead of her. She went for a run on a popular trail during the day and never returned home. Her body was found discarded in the woods and investigators, Democrat lawmakers, […]

The Invasion of Illegal Aliens – It’s Insane

Sources are saying that the majority of people flooding in through the Southern Border are now from Africa and the Middle East, with a lot of Chinese thrown in for good measure. They denied two of my employees from Europe who have UK and German passports and have been coming to the USA before to […]

The Polluter Elites

The very people flying to Davos annually on their private jets are responsible for the majority of environmental pollution. The globalists are the “polluter elites” who want to implement prohibitions on consumption for the masses. The Guardian recently reported that the top 1% produce more carbon emissions than the poorest 66%. The climate change agenda […]

Biden to Build Border Wall – Trump was Right

The Biden Administration has met its target quota for illegal immigrants who will become future Democrats. The situation has become so out of control that even sanctuary cities are pleading for help from the White House. Civil unrest is rising and Democratic citizens are turning on the Biden Administration. To put a bandage on the […]