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Market Talk – May 13, 2020

ASIA: China has warned the US that stopping US government’s main pension fund from investing in Chinese equities will only hurt US investors. Trump administration officials linked the action to the coronavirus pandemic, which the US and Chinese governments have blamed on each other in increasingly bitter exchanges. The US Department of Homeland Security and […]

Democrats Try to Eliminate Proof of Who You Are to Vote

  Just when you thought it could not get any more corrupt, the Democrats have demonstrated to the world that they are beyond all morality, ethics, and are outright corrupt. Tucked inside House Democrats’ new coronavirus bill is language that would create a loophole in states’ voter ID requirements, allowing people to cast ballots without […]

Gates & Modi Connection from India

It has been no secret that Modi of India has been desperately trying to force his nation out of cash and into the world of electronic currency. It has long been assumed that Modi has been a part of Bill Gates’ vision of the future. The left is always the most dangerous because they see […]

Market Talk – May 12, 2020

ASIA: China has suspended imports of red meat from four Australian abattoirs in a move analysts say was “politically motivated punishment” for Australia’s call for an inquiry into the origins of COVID-19. The Chinese embassy in Canberra did not respond to a request for comment. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will force additional checks on […]

Market Talk – May 11, 2020

ASIA: China on Monday threatened to retaliate against a US rule tightening visa restrictions on Chinese journalists in an escalating row after Beijing expelled more than a dozen American reporters. Citing China’s treatment of the reporters, the US Homeland Security Department issued new regulations on Friday, limiting visas for Chinese journalists to a maximum 90-day […]

Why No Democrat will Admit the Truth About COVID-19

QUESTION: Why are the democrats refusing to address the recent information which confirms that COVID-19 has a death rates of less than 1%? Why do they continue to try to scare people and pass acts to invade our privacy? LH REPLY: They have no incentive to tell the truth. There were people who sold everything […]

COVID-19 Behind the Curtain

COMMENT: Dear Marty thank you so much for informing us all about this whole corona hoax i had real trouble understanding why you were suggesting this was a hoax in January already could not match it with the facts i had available then and thought you had lost it that put me in real stress, having […]

Netanyahu of Israel Suggests Microchipping Kids & Mandatory Vaccines Begin

I just do not know if we are living in the middle of a B-SciFi Movie with a plot that is just absurd. Netanyahu suggested the Health Ministry should use new technology to help Israel adjust to its new routine as the state is lifting the coronavirus lockdown by micro-chipping all children. “That is, technology […]

Mirror Mirror on the Wall – They Are Trying to Make Us Socialists After All

As we head into the end of this 51.6-year cycle which peaks in 2032, I have warned that historically, this is when we get the most tyrannical moves on the part of governments. They are losing power in a Private Wave and as such they become very aggressive. This is what super-charges markets during this […]

Gates – the Forecast

As I have said, it gives me no pleasure to have to target an individual. I personally feel it is unprofessional, but in this case, Gates has made this a personal vendetta to force the world to comply with his vision using undemocratic means creating a monopoly of the global healthcare system pretending to be […]