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New Zealand Schwab’s Prize Student Resigns

    Last month, Jacinda Ardern confidently said bring it on. Schwab’s prize student progressive was confident about reelection. Even last January’s poll rating saw her drop to a new historic low of 35%. It appeared in December she was living in denial. But her polls were dragging down the party and there was no […]

Market Talk – January 18, 2023

ASIA:   China’s central bank continued to inject funds into the financial system through open market operations on Wednesday. The People’s Bank of China said on its website that it has conducted 133 billion yuan ($19.67 billion) of seven-day reverse repos at an interest rate of 2 percent, and 447 billion yuan of 14-day reverse […]

The Madoff Cover-Up

For those who just read the news and believe whatever they report, in the industry, everyone talks all the time. If Madoff was losing billions trading, everyone would have known. It is one thing to have a portfolio of assets that itself collapses in value which would NOT involve trading. Such an event presents a […]

Market Talk – January 17, 2023

ASIA: Rising home prices and rentals in large Indian cities could pose a new challenge to the country’s central bank in its fight against inflation, even though headline consumer price rises have likely peaked, analysts warn. Housing rentals and ancillary costs have a 10.07% weightage in India’s consumer price inflation basket and are near three-year […]

Madoff – Hiding the Real Fraud

COMMENT: I know you saved Mercedes making back their $1 billion lost all because they listened to the fake news about how the pound and the dollar would crumble in the face of the euro. I read the 2011 Barron’s article on your forecast. It was OK to publish that when they thought you would […]

Lancet Joins the Fake News Crowd?

  COMMENT: I think fake news is global and it definitely appears to be some sort of international manipulation of society. Here in Germany, it might be worse than there across the pond. We have fake news over COVID, now hiding the vaccine injury crisis. The press has its agenda. I guess they are like […]

Snowden on the Real Biden Scandal

Snowden has pointed out the real scandal is that the DOJ’s role in suppressing the information released about the Biden documents which predate the November elections. He points out that you can be sentenced to 5 years in prison per document. Of course, you will remember California Democratic Senator Diane Finestein wanted to have Snowden […]

Market Talk – January 13, 2023

The NYSE will close on Monday in honor of Martin Luther King Day. Market Talk will resume again on Tuesday, January 16. ASIA: The major Asian stock markets had a mixed day today: NIKKEI 225 decreased 330.30 points or -1.25% to 26,119.52 Shanghai increased 31.85 points or 1.01% to 3,195.31 Hang Seng increased 224.56 points […]

Our Extreme Long-Term Model Forecasting Tools

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Your reputation precedes you. They call you the legend because you have been the only analyst who forecasts events years in advance. Throughout the rise and fall the stock market, you called for only 2 year correction from 2000 and 2008 and the market would remain in a bullish trend. I read […]

Market Talk – January 12, 2023

ASIA:   China’s economic growth is likely to rebound to 4.9% in 2023, before steadying in 2024, a Reuters poll showed, as policymakers pledge to step up support for the COVID-ravaged economy. Gross domestic product (GDP) likely grew just 2.8% in 2022 as lockdowns weighed on activity and confidence, according to the median forecasts of […]