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Negative Interest Rates Coming to USA – But Wait! Banks or You?

QUESTION: Martin, Continued blessings for publishing your remarkable insights.  Will the banks pass on their negative interests rates to the depositors? What will be the effect of depositors removing their cash from the banks? Thanks M ANSWER: In the US, the talk behind the curtain is to impose negative interest rates on the consumer. Banks have […]

Today is a Historical Day – First Offical Negative Interest Rate by a Central Bank

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong – Is today (June 5th 2014) the first time in history that negative interest rates have been imposed by a central bank (or similar authority)? I don’t recall from your writings.  I know that you’ve written that the current student debt situation has never been encountered before. I have a feeling that today […]

The $19 Trillion in Retirement Accounts

QUESTION: Thank you for your blog.  You put a lot of work and knowledge into it.  Again, thanks. When you talk about $19 Trillion in pensions in the USA I take that to mean “pensions.” But then you said “retirement accounts” or retirement savings”, which may include IRAs. Do you foresee all forms of tax-advantaged savings […]

Observation From China

A reader in China has contributed this observation: COMMENT:  Hi Martin,   Just a personal observation for you. Turns out governments think the same.   Prices in real estate has been dropping here in Hangzhou city, Zhejiang, China. A combination of factors have caused a lower confidence in the real estate market in the city. […]

Obamacare is Victory for Insurance Companies

My personal healthcare at NJ Blue Cross has gone from $511 per month to about $1200 and I now have full maternity coverage – something I really needed.. It was up there with the Terrorist Insurance the City of Philadelphia wanted no doubt because somebody’s brother-in-law or crime had their hand in it.  I can’t […]

DAX Passes 10,000

QUESTION: Marty; I attended the Berlin Conference where the …. central bank attended. You said that a closing above 8100 in the DAX would result in the index breaking the 10,000 level in 2014 and perhaps reach 11,400-12,000 by 2015. Well, congratulations. You got another one right. Are we headed into that high now for […]

ECB Goes to Negative Interest Rates

Mario Draghi, President of ECB, has taken the European Central Bank deposit rate to negative territory. He cut the deposit rate for banks from zero to -0.1%, to encourage banks to lend to businesses rather than hold on to money. This has been in the works ever since Larry Summers floated the idea before. In […]

Gold & Institutions

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong, First I wanted to thank you for your continued education and telling the truth about how things really work.  Seems we have been taught a load of cr-p.  I too am below water having listened to the gold promoters, who either are blatantly lying or have delusioned themselves to their false […]

Liquidity Collapse – FATCA, Manipulations, or Both?

QUESTION: Marty; do you think that the decline in liquidity is linked to all the manipulations that you fought against are now being exposed? You warned that with the decline in liquidity volatility will rise. It is interesting to watch the lower gold goes the more these people seem to hate you. Thanks AM ANSWER: There […]

EU to Seize Greek Pension Funds

The reason politicians are so dangerous is because they will never admit a mistake. Instead, they dig our grave ever deeper. In truth, they act no different from the management of ENRON. The only difference, they are never prosecuted for their frauds. Nonetheless, human nature is the same and just like ENRON doing everything possible […]