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Goldman Sachs & JP Morgan Accused of Manipulating Zinc

Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan and the metal exchange based in London have all been accused of manipulating the zinc prices over the last 4 years. The prices for zinc have increased as much for aluminum in recent years and not declined. The argument here has been that they held the metal prices up, opposite of the […]

Barclay’s Gold Manipulation & Dr. Evil

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I am a converted and repentant Goldbug. I have listened to the same hype all the way up and all the way down. They always blamed mysterious manipulators for their mistakes. What I understand from your explanation is that there is no grand plan of manipulation, it is always just trading […]

Eastern Ukraine Moving Toward Civil War

  Pro-Russian Tourists killed in battles The number of clashes between the pro-Russian tourists and Ukrainian troops has been escalating. More than 20 have been killed in more gun battles. With the elections in the East tomorrow, Sunday’s presidential election remains uncertain whether voters will brave the threats of armed pro-Russian militants who have been setting […]

Ukraine Eastern Protesters Take to Cars to Support a United Ukraine

The threats of violent by the pro-Russian tourists roaming the streets in Eastern Ukraine have succeeded in stopping protests of people on foot after they are being beaten and killed. The pro-Ukrainians have taken to their cars and blowing their horns in support of Ukraine in the East. There are pro-Russian Eastern Ukrainians who seem […]

Gold in Basket of Currencies

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; you mentioned something in passing that gold has declined because it has been declining in a basket of currencies. You are the only analyst that I know of who looks at everything in different currencies. How important is this view? Thank you for all you do Best Regards; HK ANSWER: Having offices […]

Mark Twain on Politians

Banks Manipulating Markets

Dealing with the money center banks has been treacherous to say the least. When I wrote Behind the Curtain, the NY manipulators tried to say it was just me striking back. Then Greg Smith put out his book Why I Left Goldman Sacks. Again, the NY media protected the banks and claimed Smith’s book was […]

Rock-Star Economist Piketty & His Bogus Data The FT has been exposing the bad data used by Piketty to sell his 80% tax that will surely destroy the economy and result in major war. Piketty is the new Marx and he has been hurled to super rock-star status by the left media hell bent on trying to just grab other […]


Our separate server for the Global Market Watch is experiencing problems. We are working on that problem over the weekend.

Income Tax Revenues Collapsing in the States

The bite in taxes is taking its toll and the socialists cannot get through their think head that the higher you raise tax rates, the lower the revenue you will collect. They refuse to look at reality and keep trying to squeeze blood from a stone. They are setting the stage for the worst economic […]