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VA Scandal – More Evidence that Government is INCAPABLE of Planning

QUESTION: Do you have any insight into the VA Scandal? ANSWER: Just do the math. After 13 years of war the number of people requiring care increased 50%. We are quick to send people into battle, but there is zero planning for the consequences of those wars.  Just more brain-dead planning – or should I […]

Return of Corruption – Sorry – Lobbying

Elected officials will do anything to maintain power. The name of the game is to to get re-elected at all costs, which preferably are yours. Running a campaign is expensive, so politicians are dependent upon contributions in return they take care of their friends. The proof is in the numbers. Strategas, a macro-research/brokerage firm formed […]

Glen Downs & Martin Armstrong From Capitol Hill May 21, 2014


Unions Out of Control – the Real Poison Pill

Unions have been the real plague of society. There is not much they have not really destroyed. They wiped out New York City as a port. No ships dock in New York City any more. They seriously reduced the American auto industry reducing quality that opened the door for foreign cars. The big three US auto […]

How Bureaucrats Undermine Everything

  Bureaucrats are truly the plague of society. These are typically the people afraid to actually get a job in the real world for they would have to be judged upon their skills. They more often than not like the safe steady job where they cannot be fired and do not actually have to perform. […]

Australia – A Fresh Look at Down-Under

QUESTION: Dear Martin, I firstly wanted to commend you for all the valuable information contained in your website and for your vigilance and generosity in providing this free of charge.  I met you at a Seminar in Surfer’s Paradise, Queensland some years ago with Jack Houghton.  I had invested in your Australian gold fund and […]

Track Record & Hedge Fund Manager of the Year

  Martin Armstrong was named Economist of the Decade & Hedge Fund Manager of the Year Financial risks have always existed wherever trade has been undertaken. However, the extent to which they have been identified, quantified and controlled has varied tremendously. Some well-publicized losses have been incurred by both financial and non-financial organisations around the […]

Demand for Gold in China & India Collapses by 55%

The latest tracking of gold being consumed in China and India has revealed a declining demand. Mainland China’s demand for gold fell 18% in the first quarter of the year as investors bought fewer bars and coins, offsetting record demand for jewelry, according to the latest trend report from the World Gold Council based in London. The […]

Why Conspiracy Theories Give Way Too Much Credit to Mythical People

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I retired this year from …. where my boss has gone to these yearly Bilderberg meetings. I just wanted to say that they are indeed as clueless as you report. Quite frankly, many follow your writings for the greatest fear is the Sovereign Debt Crisis and the global hunt for tax money. There is […]

Global Market Watch for May 20th, 2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of May  20th, 2014. Global Market Watch