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Are Gates & Soros All-Powerful?

QUESTION: Since Soros Gates and their friends are so powerful and since they control a lot of things, do you think they could manipulate the world stock markets too? MG London Financial Times – June 27, 1998 ANSWER: No. Keep in mind that Socrates has been forecasting the trend without knowing who are the players […]

Food Shortages Hitting China

I have explained many times that while we see this 8.6-wave of the Economic Confidence Model as inflationary, this is strikingly different insofar as it will be on the back of food shortages.  I have warned that Socrates was projecting food shortages because of the weather. However, now we have these global elitists manipulating the […]

Something is Wrong

    QUESTION: At the WEC in Orlando, you said something was wrong. Was the computer picking up this event of a crash being contrived? JF ANSWER: The computer clearly was picking something beginning in August 2019, which corresponded to the start of the Repo Crisis and the reaction high in the Russel 2000. Yes, […]

What to Expect With Civil Unrest

QUESTION: You’ve written about the collapse of communism in Europe 30 years ago and the looming collapse of socialism in the west. In Russia and Eastern Europe, most of the deaths occurred in the first 30 years of communism and few deaths occurred when it collapsed. Is it possible that for western socialism the vast majority […]

Nobody Will Accept the 2020 Election Result

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; Socrates deserves a Nobel Prize for it is the only thing to forecast so many trends correctly. Now the news is that Trump may not accept the election results. I have followed you for years. You are certainly not one of these people who make one forecast and run ads as the […]

The 2020 Election – The Most Corrupt in American History

The polls will be manipulated to show Trump will lose. While our computer shows he should win, caution is necessary because we are also showing this will be the most corrupt election in American history. The computer had also projected that Gore would have won but the Supreme Court handed that to Bush, and later […]

Imperial College Should Be Defunded for Their Fake Research

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, These corrupt idiots at Imperial released another report in which they claim the lockdowns they advocated saved 3.1 million lives in Europe. How can they even claim this nonsense with all the proof out there about their former BS-report. It would be interesting to know who paid the bill for this study. […]

Mirror Mirror on the Wall – They Are Trying to Make Us Socialists After All

As we head into the end of this 51.6-year cycle which peaks in 2032, I have warned that historically, this is when we get the most tyrannical moves on the part of governments. They are losing power in a Private Wave and as such they become very aggressive. This is what super-charges markets during this […]

What is the Most Essential Key to Public Safety?

I named the model that tracks the world economy the Economic Confidence Model because in all my research sustaining public trust has always been the most crucial factor in maintaining an economy, civil order, and in the end, international peace and stability. I question if the majority of the people are not seeing through this […]

The Fed Makes a Fool of Itself – There is no Santa Claus

This is the very essence of a financial crisis. Despite the fact that Trump cheered the Fed and they cut rates to ZERO, the risk was what would happen if the market continued to fall. Another steep sell off took place which resulted in the halt of trading again on Wall Street as Monday opened. […]