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Can Socrates Predict the Lottery?

  Can Socrates predict the lottery? We ran tests on that probably 30 years ago, and the results were interesting. No matter what it is, there is always a cycle. You cannot predict the lottery number as a whole, for the possible variables are tremendous. In the past few years, we have seen continual advertisements […]

Democrats Destroying the United States – Here Comes the Recession

The stats are in, revealing that Biden has flooded the nation with over 6.4 million illegal immigrants who have entered the U.S., bringing the total to now 13.7 million that the government must support. They are bankrupting cities, raising crime like never before since countries are emptying their prisons and shipping them to Bidenville. The […]

Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse – Black Swan Event

The Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore collapsed on March 26, 2024, at 01:28 EDT after being struck by a cargo ship owned by Brawner Builders Inc. The ship named the Dali was operated by Synergy Marine Group. This black swan event was extremely strange, catastrophic for the US supply chain, and certainly a black […]

32 Climate Hoaxes that are now Supporting for WWIII

Did we get enough of them to save the planet? I am not kidding. There are now Climate Zealots who are eager to bring about World War III as the means to save the planet by eliminating 50%+ of the world population. This is why all our world leaders are promoting war, and the NEOCONS […]

Beware the Ides of May

The Western Press continues to report only the propaganda from the NEOCON mouthpiece, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), which is run bt Victoria Nuland’s sister-in-law. I have warned that they were trying to start war BEFORE the election, and the two main targets in time were May and July. Be very careful […]

UK Residents Pay More for Housing than any OPEC Nation

Those in the UK are familiar with the challenges that accompany failed housing regulations, high demand, and low supply. A recent study by Resolution Foundation shows that those in the UK pay far more for housing than any nation in the OECD. Finland technically pays more, but not when factoring in the total amount the […]

NY Supreme Court Lowers Trump’s Bond to $175m

COMMENT: Marty, you are one hell of a strategic lawyer. The NY Supreme Court either reads you or realizes that this AG will bankrupt the city if she starts seizing property and Trump wins in the appellate courts. It’s just brilliant. Let them sell his properties that will collapse in price and then sue for […]


QUESTION: This prosecutor in New York says she will start seizing Trump’s real estate in New York and will take his golf course tomorrow. What would you do? WH ANSWER: I would let her seize the property and sell it. If he wins on appeal, she is liable for all the damages. But let me […]

The Real Coup by Illegal Aliens Storming Biden’s Open Gates

QUESTION: Your comment on how you had the mandate from Hong Kong to negotiate with Australia, and the PM would not allow them in because they would vote conservative, has highlighted this entire agenda from the Democrats. They are destroying our country. Will Biden grant them voting rights to suppress those of us who work […]

Judge Rules Illegal Migrants are Protected by Second Amendment

The US government simply hates its citizens at this point and deliberately wants the nation to live in fear. The same people who persistently vote to prohibit American citizens from exercising their Second Amendment right to bear arms have ruled that illegal migrants may carry firearms. A US District Court judge became one of the […]