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How Can There be Thousands of Cryptocurrencies?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; There are these people so desperate to argue that cryptocurrency will change the world, I have heard the same pitch behind gold and I suspect most are just goldbugs who gave up and moved to cryptocurrencies. The same arguments of fiat and central banks are at the base of this as well. […]

Cryptocurrency Changing the World?

  I do not know how else to say this. Cryptocurrencies are an ASSET CLASS and they are something to TRADE. All this stupid nonsense that they will revise the world monetary system with no pain and governments will be brought to the knees without firing a shot, I really do not know who makes […]

The Rise in US Share Market in Foreign Currencies

  COMMENT: I spoke this “pretend” analyst who use to be a goldbug and is now a cryptobug. Boy does he hate you. I really had to laugh for he said your computer is a fraud and your forecast on the euro was only correct because you organized it with central banks. I asked him […]

Cryptocurrency & Dancing with the Devil

COMMENT: Hi Martin, I really love your work. You are the only one financial guy I follow. Your power is obviously your prediction computer program Socrates which I use every day. I understand that your other posts are just your opinions and I would like to point out some of the flawed arguments you make about […]

As long as Cryptocurrencies remain Assets – Then they will Survive a Monetary Crisis.

  QUESTION: You originally said back at the 2015 WEC the first window for the monetary crisis and the collapse of the Euro could arrive by 2018 and then the cycle was extended into 2021 when the Euro finally elected a weekly bullish. So it appears correct that 2018 is the start as the Euro never […]

Have Cryptocurrencies Become a Religion?

  QUESTION: I had a discussion with a former goldbug who is now a crypto-bug. He can’t see that governments will not stand idle waiting to be simply put out of business with cryptocurrencies. No matter what you say, I think it has become a religion. There is not one major company who has adopted blockchain […]

Can Cryptocurrencies Survive?

QUESTION: Do you think Bitcoin can survive? Or has it been a passing fad? MT ANSWER: Bitcoin rose because 70% of the miners were in China. It was NOT simply because energy was cheap. Bitcoin became the LEADING means of money laundering and movement of cash out of China, circumventing their rule of law and […]

Can We Just Use Cryptocurrencies, stop Bank Lending & end Central Banks & Survive?

QUESTION: Socrates did an amazing job. It called the high in BitCoin right to the day. That makes me wonder. After thinking quietly about the claim that cryptocurrencies will replace everything as a new world monetary system because it will not be centralized and created by a central bank, this seems to be complete BS if […]

What Really Causes Inflation & Deflation?

QUESTION: why national debts eventually default Martin to answer this question you said: we need to introduce currency. France and Germany were less impacted by converting to the Euro than Greece, Italy, Spain, and Portugal. Why? Currency Inflation! My question is if it is not the quantity of money that is making $1 million buy […]

The Bubble of 1825 was Also a Contagion

The Most Profitable Canal of the 19th Century Today is a Tourist Cruise Besides the speculative bubble that resulted in the Panic of 1825 involving the imaginary country of Poyais, when such a bubble unfolds, there is often a contagion. The events that led to the Panic of 1825 also resulted in the Canal Bubble, […]