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China to Move to Electronic Currency

The People’s Bank of China held a seminar yesterday to discuss the issuance of a digital currency. The Chinese central bank said issuing a digital currency would have positive implications as it would reduce the high printing and circulation costs of traditional cash notes, make economic transactions more convenient and transparent, reduce money laundering and tax […]

China to Impose Fee on Cancelled Orders

China is taking a unique approach to regulating markets. They are looking to impose a tax or fee per order to prevent traders from flooding exchanges with orders they don’t fill by charging market participants fees for habitual cancellations. This scheme would not take effect until 2017. This is clearly targeting the high-frequency traders. This […]

China Shuts Down FOREX at Foreign Banks to Try to Stop Dollar Rise

China has suspended FOREX business at three main foreign banks for the first quarter of 2016 in an effort to curb the outflow of capital into the rising dollar. This is an interesting attempt to curb the rise in the dollar and it is clearly showing the overall trend in motion. It is interesting that China […]

China to Stimulate by Cutting Taxes

China is demonstrating that it is more practical than anyone else in the industrialized world. They have announced that they will “reasonably” set limits on new local government debt in 2016. Finance Minister Lou Jiwei said at a work conference in Beijing on Monday that they will actually limit local debt; something nobody else does. China […]

China's Renminbi Reserve Status

While the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is expected to give the renminbi (yuan) a political victory by including the Chinese currency in the list of reserve currencies, few in the West even understand what this means. Including the renminbi in the SDR economically means nothing for it will not dethrone the dollar any more than […]

China Capital Outflows Reach $500 Billion

The capital outflows from China have reached record levels of $500 billion in the first eight months of the current year. Following the devaluation of the yuan in August, this is putting more flesh on the bones of the reality of the Chinese devaluation. The Chinese intensified their capital outflows post-devaluation. So while some only want […]

China Still Heading Lower

The latest economic news from China shows that, in dollar terms, imports collapsed 20.4% in September from a year earlier to $145.2bn. This is one of the sharpest declines ever, and it is far beyond what was expected. This has had a further impact upon the raw commodity sector and metals. This latest drop in Chinese imports was down […]

There is More At Stake Than Just China

Dennis Lockhart, President of Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, stuck to his guns late Monday by stating that he still expects the Fed to raise short-term interest rates in the next few months. I have been warning that without higher rates, the Fed is facing a pension crisis because rates have been kept way too low […]

Western Share Markets Rebound – Decoupling from China

The Asian contagion that began in Shanghai has now decoupled, leaving Monday the 24th as the low in Europe; it is expected to be the same in the States. A three-day bounce is now possible into Thursday, but there will be another retest of the lows just to make sure traders do not think it […]

China Cuts Interest Rate & Lowers Reserve Requirements

I keep telling people that the central bank of China is far more professional than any other central bank. When I was invited there during the Asian Crisis, I was stunned to be invited over some academic. When I got there, I found that everyone had experience. They had worked on dealing desks around the world and […]