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The Threat to Agriculture Which May Be the Result of Climate Cooling

Locusts have plagued farmers for millennia. When we look at the plague of locust in Africa which is now spreading to China, it brings up visions of the Book of Exodus, which recounts around 1446 BC the Egyptians experienced an exceptional ravenous Plague of Locusts which was the eighth Biblical plague. As Exodus describes, “They […]

The Danger of an Idea – Just Change the Label to Environmentalism

COMMENT: The totalitarian need for and use of the new idea. First, after the French Revolution, the idea was Marxism . which led to Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Neocons and so many totalitarians. Today, Marxism is sort of worn down a bit, and suspected, so the new necessary idea is environmentalism, in celebration of which; the […]

ADVICE To Teenage Daughter Climate Response

COMMENT: I am really, really upset and astonished by ”A LETTER FROM A CONSTITUENT ABOUT HOW HE ADVISED HIS TEENAGE DAUGHTER ON ‘CLIMATE CHANGE’”. I am certain that there are more points to be made but here is mine: Bicycle Do you know they are made of steel, aluminum, plastic, rubber, etc, etc. All ingredients […]

CO2 Rate of Change

QUESTION: Hi I read this blog post and took a look at Nasa´s own homepage. Well, they are surely promoting this climate change hysteria. What I would like to know is if it is declining according to these statistics how do they think they can get away with this scam? Also when I look at […]

There is No CO2 Climate Emergency & NASA Data Confirms that

COMMENT: Marty; Socrates has done a great job with the markets. But your forecasts that the winters would progressively get colder has beaten every forecast on the weather out there, and I have checked. This winter is setting records everywhere from Alaska to the Midwest. If what you have been forecasting for the next solar […]

Climate Data in Australia is Being Altered

Comparing the raw data that was adjusted in Australia, what has emerged is part of the worldwide conspiracy to reduce population. The original data at 60 of the oldest sites across Australia illustrates that the number of very hot days (40 degree c/104 F) is no different today than it was about 100 years ago. These […]

The Cycle of Climate Fear Tactics

QUESTION: Thank you for your interesting writing on climate change. I take it you see the cycle as natural and this fear seems to flip back and forth between warming and cooling as you published various news articles. Do you rank this as just fear-mongering? TB ANSWER: If we look just since 1895, the media […]

Canada and the Climate Conspiracy?

Greta Thunberg, the Swedish climate activist, was flown into Alberta, Canada just before the Canadian elections. How does a 16-year-old journey to Canada? She must be escorted and who is paying for this lavish global trotting she is doing by flying on jets she wants to be grounded? Alberta is brewing for separation for its […]

BP Forced to Sell Assets to Appease the European Climate Hysteria

COMMENT: This morning blog question. I concur with ROM. Here’s a perfect example. BP has just sold all its oil and gas assets in Alaska to cut its carbon footprint in order to be consistent with the Paris Accord. This is a needless sale of assets caused by an ‘Act of Extortion-The Paris Accord’ against […]

Will the Elite Wake Up in Time & Confront The Left Climate Fear Campaigns?

I have had some interesting conversations of late with people I would say are among the power-brokers who tend to pour money into the pockets of politicians to get a favored status. There is a rising concern that perhaps in Europe they have assumed this was just fear politics about climate and they have ignored […]