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The Precision of Markets is Beyond Belief – But It is Why The Majority is Always Wrong

COMMENT: Marty; I really do not know how anyone cannot recognize what you have discovered. The euro began its breakout precisely on your target of the ECM on November 24 last year. You have proven beyond a doubt that there is a hidden order to everything if we care to just look. My hat is […]

Climate Change has Nothing to do with the Sun?

COMMENT: You are wrong. This chart proves you are wrong and it is mankind that is creating global warming. The sun activity has been declining for 35 years and the temperature is rising. That proves you are wrong. PL REPLY: First of all, the chart you rely on starts in 1880. The historical record is […]

The Six Groups of Investors and Traders

​ The recent report by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), shows that the professional investors have continued to bet on falling Dow Jones “short” as private investors are starting to bet heavily on rising prices ( “Long”). Professional investors remain suspicious of a further rise in the US stock market. The private investors’ view is exactly the opposite. The question is; Who will be right? There have been plenty of […]

Fear of Heights – Vertical Markets

The rally in the US share market has been a VERTICAL MARKET as our computer has been warning would unfold. A VERTICAL MARKET is one that takes off yet leaves the vast majority behind because they just cannot believe the rally. I have been warning that this is the most hated bull market in history. […]

Climate Change Scientists Backtracking On New Data At Last

The headline in the London Times: “We were wrong — worst effects of climate change can be avoided, say experts Scientists admit that world is warming more slowly than predicted.” The analysis of Global Warming has been the one of the greatest absurd propositions of modern times. With a tiny fraction of data on climate from […]

Is the Stock Market Really Overvalued?

All we have been hearing since 2011 is how the stock market is going to crash and then there will be hyperinflation and all sorts of strange relationships that never materialize. They simply focus on the level of the stock market in nominal terms without adjusting it for inflation or showing how it has performed […]

Socrates Preview Adding to Standard Access

We have added some short-term text to the opening of the Standard base edition of Socrates to help during this immediate market shift going into September. We will be adding an intermediate level soon that will have short-term analysis and then the third level will have the access to the arrays and reversals. This way […]

WEC November 3-4, 2017 – The Monetary Crisis Cycle

This year’s WEC (World Economic Conference) is time to address the beginning of the most important event perhaps in our lifetime that stands on the event horizon to begin in 2018. We have nearly reached our second target on the Dow Jones Industrial Index – 23,000. They laughed at our forecast back in 2011 that […]

The Dollar Remains King

QUESTION:  Hi, I’ve read your blog for a couple of months now and it clearly opened my eyes. But I’m wondering if I’m getting crazy now.. I can see a pattern between rising Chinese yields (despite weaker growth), parked Chinese money in the Canadian & Australian housing bubble, plunging commodities (very bad for Australian and […]

Is There Really More Oil in The Golan Heights than in Saudi Arabia? Who’s Genie Energy?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong I live in Israel and today I listened to your podcast with Macrovoices. At some point you mentioned that there is more oil in Golan heights than in Saudi Arabia -and this oil belongs to genie energy. Is it true? How can it be that nobody knew nothing about this in Israel? […]